Page 15 of More Than Enough

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“I had just turned onto the road and saw you. You stepped into the grass and fell. At first, I thought you tripped, until I noticed you were lying in the grass and your eyes were closed. I picked you up and brought you home. Your mom got worried when we couldn’t get you to wake up and she called an ambulance.”

Elizabeth looked around the room, realization dawning on her face. She had an IV in her arm, and oxygen in her nose, and yes, what she thought were her own clothes was really a hospital gown. Now she was embarrassed and covered herself up with the sad excuse for what they call blankets in a hospital and wondered how her hair and makeup looked.

Even though she was sure she looked rough, she couldn’t help but notice the concern which had taken over Jacob’s features. She just stared in wonder at him. This guy whom she just met seemed really worried about her.

Finally realizing there were others in the room and coming to an understanding of what Jacob told her, Elizabeth shot a look at her mom. “Mom, you really shouldn’t have called an ambulance. I didn’t need to be admitted to a hospital. This is ridiculous.”

Elizabeth tried her best to sound annoyed, yet she was tired, and didn’t really have the strength.

“Lizzy, you haven’t been admitted. You’re just in the Emergency Room. They said you were dehydrated, so they started the IV, and when Stacey told us you’ve been sick the past couple days, the doctor took some blood and is running tests as we speak. How long have you been sick? You really should have told us. I am so worried something is…”

Elizabeth cut her mother off mid-sentence. “Mom! Stop! Please! It’s only been a couple of days. I started feeling lightheaded about a week ago, but figured it was just the stress of getting through exams. I only got sick twice. Once at Stacey’s and another at work. It’s not a big deal. I promise. I’m sure it’s just a stomach bug.”

Mrs. Parks got visibly upset and annoyed. “Barbara knew you were sick and didn’t say anything about it?”

Stacey took this argument as a reason to leave and stepped out of the room.

“She didn’t know, Mom. It happened during lunch, and I didn’t tell her.”

Mrs. Park’s phone interrupted their conversation. She looked down at it. “I’ve gotta take this. I’ll be right back.” She looked worried about leaving her daughter.

“It’s okay, Mom. Go ahead.” Mrs. Parks smiled at her and got up and left the room answering her phone as she walked out the door.

Elizabeth quickly realized she was alone with Jacob. She turned and looked at him, covering herself up with the blanket. “Thank you for stopping and checking on me. I went for a three-mile run, but lost track of time and distance, and realized I went much further than I planned. Without water, and a decent lunch, well you know what happened.”

“Yeah. It was a good thing I drove by. I don’t know, it seems as if you were fine until you met me and ate my food.” Jacob sat really close to Elizabeth and smiled.

“I don’t think it had anything to do with you or your food. Promise.” Elizabeth searched his eyes, as he reached out and grabbed her hand. He held it gently.

“Elizabeth, I…”

At that moment, the doctor entered the room. Jacob didn’t get a chance to finish what he started and quickly let go of her hand.

The doctor was an older man with graying hair and a friendly face. “Well, it’s good to see you awake, Elizabeth. How are you feeling?”

“Better than I have been, thanks to this.” Elizabeth shook the tubes coming out of her and offered the doctor a small smile.

“Hey,” interrupted Jacob. “Stacey and I are glad you’re feeling better, but I think we will give you some privacy. Let us know when you get home, and how you’re doing. I’m going to go find my sister and call it a night.” Jacob gave her hand a squeeze and left the hospital room just as Elizabeth’s mom and dad entered.

Her dad shook Jacob’s hand and told him thank you for all he did. Jacob recognized concern and gratitude on the man’s face, smiled at him, and returned the handshake.

Once Mr. Parks came in and introduced himself to the doctor, he gave Elizabeth a hug of relief. Elizabeth found herself explaining to her dad and the doctor what she had just told her mom about how she hadn’t been feeling well, and when she got sick. The doctor nodded his head with understanding, and her father seemed just as concerned as her mom.

The doctor looked at Elizabeth’s parents and asked, “Can you two please give us a moment alone? There are some things I need to talk with Elizabeth about, and she is old enough that I can do it alone, if that’s what she wants.” Elizabeth looked at the doctor and noticed concern on his face. The butterflies returned with a vengeance.

“Mom, Dad, please can I talk with him alone?” Her parents looked at each other, and even though she could tell they were not okay with it, they both nodded, and her father led her mother out of the room.

Elizabeth sat up as far as she could, took a deep breath, and turned toward the doctor. The butterflies were taking over whatever she had left in her stomach. She was glad that there wasn’t much in there, or she was sure it would be coming up. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes for a second and sent up a quick prayer.

‘God, I know you never give us more than we can handle, but what do you do about when we give ourselves things you didn’t mean for us to handle? Please give me strength to deal with whatever I am told.’

Elizabeth turned to the doctor. “What’s going on, Doctor? Why am I here? Why have I been feeling bad, and why did I pass out?”

The doctor looked at her with a serious expression. “Elizabeth, you are twenty-three years old. When we took your blood, we checked for anemia and mono. Being a college student, we even checked you for vitamin deficiency and sexually transmitted diseases. All these tests came out negative. But we found out something important. Something I was not sure you would want your parents to know until you are ready to tell them yourself. Outside of being rundown, and dehydrated, which is why you are on the IV drip and oxygen, Elizabeth…”

He stopped for a moment here and made sure he had her full attention, and eye contact.”…You’re pregnant.”

Stacey and Jacob slowly left the hospital. It was dark now and a perfectly clear summer evening. As they walked across the crowded parking lot, Stacey noticed how quiet and thoughtful her brother suddenly became. He is only a little over two years younger than she is, yet a lot taller, but she could not help but have a motherly attitude when it came to him. She wrapped her arm around his waist.
