Page 29 of More Than Enough

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Stacey sat down in the chair opposite him with a Cheshire cat grin on her face.

Kristen plopped down next to him with a scowl. “Yeah, I would like to know what we just witnessed, also. We just saw the slut next door leave here with an awfully large grin on her face.”

“Excuse me?” Jacob spun around shooting daggers at Kristen. “Who are you calling a slut? Sort of calling the kettle black isn’t it! Anyway, why does it matter to either of you what Elizabeth was doing over here?” Jacob looked between the two girls with annoyance burning off him.

“Ignore her, Jacob,” Stacey answered, shooting her friend a warning look. “Elizabeth looked happy, as she should, and it just seemed like… she seemed happy. If you were with her, you would fully have my support. She is a great person.”

“If you really need to know, though you don’t, she just came in and had a drink. We got to talking, and well, the rest is none of your business.” Jacob looked at his sister with a grin.

Stacey started to laugh and punched him in the arm. “You go, little brother.”

“Really? Are you serious?” Kristen looked at her friend. “How can you be okay with this?”

“Kristen, stop! You promised you wouldn’t.” Stacey looked at her friend and spoke in a soft and frustrated tone.

“Yeah, well that was before this.” Kristen turned away from Stacey and looked directly at Jacob. “You need to know something that your sister found out. It goes against everything you believe in.” Kristen laid her hand on Jacob’s legs trying to be comforting.

Jacob looked down at Kristen’s perfectly manicured hand resting on his knee, then up into her eyes. “What are you talking about, Kristen? Just stop. This thing you think is between us, isn’t. I am going out with Elizabeth Friday night. I like her and want to get to know her better. Leave her alone!”

He said this directly to the girl sitting next to him as he stood up in disgust ready to walk away from them both. Kristen stood up and grabbed his arm.

“Your sister found out…”

Stacey looked at her friend with disbelief. “Kristen, don’t!”

Kristen shook her head and glanced at Stacey. “He needs to know the truth!” She then looked back at Jacob and grabbed both his arms in her hands so he would be focused on her. “Elizabeth is pregnant and is going to have an abortion, if she hasn’t already had one.”

Jacob stopped and searched Kristen’s face. It took him a minute to process this news. Shaking and tilting his head in disbelief, he roughly threw Kristen’s hands off his arms.

“I know you are a jealous person, Kristen, but why would you say that? Pregnant and an abortion? You are crazy!” Angry, Jacob walked away from the girls. He wanted his space.

Kristen, ignoring the signs, walked toward him, making sure he heard what she had to say. “I am not. Stacey walked into her house and saw Planned Parenthood on her computer, and when she questioned her, she asked Stacey to leave. She didn’t want to talk about it.”

Jacob looked at his sister. “Is this true?” He asked with hurt, disgust, and confusion in his eyes.

“Yes. Sort of.” Is all Stacey could say. She then explained to him what she saw that day she walked into Elizabeth’s house to check on her. “…and when I asked her about it, she told me it was none of my business and asked me to leave. That is all I know.”

“That makes you think she is pregnant and getting an abortion? You two are crazy. And you, Kristen, are just jealous because a sweet and gorgeous girl has moved next door to me. One I happen to be interested in. Get over yourself!”

Jacob stopped, looked at the women standing before him, and sighed. “I’m heading over to Chad’s for a bit. Hopefully, some of you will be gone when I get back.” Without looking at his sister or Kristen, Jacob spun around and stomped toward the door, letting it slam behind him.

Friday night was here before Elizabeth realized. Since she didn’t have to work, she decided to spend her day getting ready for her night out bowling. She couldn’t believe how excited she was to spend more time with Jacob.

She hadn’t seen him since Wednesday, and whenever she thought about the kiss, and the couch, her insides got warm and turned to mush. She could not remember the last time a guy made her feel that way. Just thinking about him made her warm inside. It wasn’t just his body or looks either. He really seemed to be a caring person. With Chad and Jessica there it wouldn’t be a real date, but that was what made this even better. There was no pressure on either of them. It was just four friends hanging out and getting to know each other better.

Deciding to primp on herself more than usual she decided to get a pedicure, and if they had space, even a manicure. A couple hours later,her feet were soaking in very warm water, and she was relaxing in a chair set to massage her back with fake hands. The massage and the warm water were blissful. She missed pampering herself like this.

Once her bright pink polish was on her toes, her legs massaged, warm towel removed from her legs, and her sandals placed gently on her feet, Elizabeth got up carefully and walked over to the manicure station. She took her place at the manicurist’s counter and enjoyed small talk while her nails were done. Soon she felt as beautiful as she looked.

When Elizabeth got home, she made herself a cup of coffee just as Jessica knocked on the door. She entered the house and the kitchen, fixed herself a cup of coffee also, and made herself comfortable at the counter.

“So, when was the last time you bowled?” Jessica sipped her coffee and watched Elizabeth over her steaming cup. Taken slightly aback at the briskness in her friend’s voice Elizabeth answered rather timidly.

“Well, hi to you too. It has been a while—more than a while. Probably a few years?” This answer came out as more of a question than a definite answer. The look of intensity radiating from Jessica threw Elizabeth off. “I’m sure I will be a bit rusty.”

“Hmmm, well the last time we had this bowling outing, a few months ago, me and my partner then—her name was Diana—lost to the guys. It was not pretty, and I have been practicing. I am seeking revenge tonight and hope you can step up to the plate.”

“Wow! Okay, just so you know, I will probably disappoint you. Unless of course we can have those kiddy bumpers up.”
