Page 31 of More Than Enough

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Elizabeth grinned. “Yeah. I think it’s good with me.” Everyone headed toward their prospective cars.

“Umm, no one asked me what I thought about these arrangements. But driving with a girl over him, I guess I can be good with it too.” Chad jumped in the front seat of Jessica’s car,

Jessica looked at Elizabeth and laughed. “We’ll see you two there. Don’t take any detours. We need to get this rematch started.”

Jacob opened the passenger door of his Jeep for Elizabeth. She climbed in and waited for him to join her.

Jacob climbed into the front seat, turned on the car, then turned to look at her. Those butterflies were there again, making sure she knew she and Jacob were not alone.

“I have been waiting to do this since I saw you sitting in that booth.” Jacob reached over, placed his hand on the side of her face and gently pulled her toward him. Elizabeth did not resist. Instead, she placed her hand behind his neck and pulled him closer to close what little space there was left between them. She wanted, no needed, to feel his lips on hers.

They devoured each other like they hadn’t eaten in days. Their lips opened and their tongues touched. The heat outside joined them in the small space of the Jeep.

They couldn’t get close enough, or kiss hard enough. Jacob’s lips left hers and found her chin. Elizabeth tilted her head back to oblige him. Her breath caught in her throat as he continued his kisses on her chin, then her neck, and he finally traveled down to her chest. He paused with his lips hovering over her skin, catching his breath.

He brushed her cleavage lightly with his lips. Elizabeth’s breath was hard, she softly groaned as he started back up her body. She swore her heart would explode. The feel of him hovering just above her skin drove her wild. His soft lips on her skin felt amazing. She grabbed his head and led his lips back to hers. Their kiss, demanding at first, became slower, then more relaxed.

Jacob let out a soft groan and brushed his hand along her bare arm. “I missed you yesterday. I thought about this moment all last night and all day today.” He looked at her with a look of pure desire.

“You did?” That was all Elizabeth could think of asking. As she got lost in his sea of blue.

“Why should that surprise you? You are amazing, and beautiful. I absolutely adore you.”

Elizabeth thought her face would crack if she smiled anymore. She placed her hand on the side of his face. “Wow! Thank you. I must admit, I’ve been waiting for tonight also.”

“Good. I was worried it was all one sided.” Jacob placed a quick kiss on her lips again and slid back to his place at the steering wheel. “I guess we need to get going. I feel a butt whooping about to happen.” With this he looked at her and wiggled his eyebrows. She laughed and clicked on her seat belt.

Elizabeth quickly remembered why bowling wasn’t on her list of top things to do on a Friday night. Her ball seemed to have a magnet inside it which attracted it to the gutter. She had yet to knock down more than three pins in a turn. Luckily, the company made up for her lack of athleticism.

Jacob was up. His approach was something magical to watch. His stance, how he approached the foul line and let the ball fly. It made Elizabeth smile as she watched the muscles under his tight shirt ripple with exertion. Again, there was a loud CRACK as his ball expertly crashed into the sweet spot, and all the pins fell on command.

“YEAH! There ya go, Brotha’!” Whooped Chad. Jacob did a quick spin on his toes with his hands in the air and came toward Elizabeth with a slight slide in his step. He wrapped her in a hug and planted a deep kiss on her lips.

“That’s for good luck.” He smiled and gave her bottom a quick smack as she walked by him.

“Thanks. I sure do need it.”

“Good thing is you can only improve!” Chad yelled this from the bench at the side of the alley.

“Hey, be nice. No heckling the other team.” Jessica gave his arm a punch and took a drink of her coke. Elizabeth laughed at all of them, picked up her bowling ball and approached the lane.

Letting the ball go, it made its way toward the pins much slower and without the effect of Jacob’s, but it stayed in the center. It lightly hit the main pin, and she watched with excitement, as three pins toppled into others, and those toppled down more. When they were all finished falling, there were just two pins left standing.

Jessica jumped off the bench. “Yeah! That’s my teammate!” Elizabeth turned around and did a little laughing jig up the alley.

Jacob was there and high fived her and planted a congratulatory kiss on her lips. “That’s my girl!” Elizabeth caught the term of endearment and loved the fact that he claimed her as his own already.

Even though her second turn resulted in zero pins falling, she didn’t complain. That was the most pins she knocked down in one turn all night. She was totally enjoying herself with this new group that she happily called her friends and an amazing guy who seemed to have eyes only for her.

As the game ended, the guys returned their shoes and the girls settled at a table near their lane. “I must admit, you and Jacob look good together. He really seems to like you. He never takes his eyes off you, especially when you approach the lane and do that little bend-over-release thing you do. I think he likes your butt.” Elizabeth opened her mouth with shock.

“Yeah, I agree with that. She does have an amazing ass, and in those jeans, she is driving me crazy.” Elizabeth, not knowing the guys were so close, turned quickly to see them sitting down. Jacob had hotdogs and fries for all of them on a tray, and Chad was carrying a pitcher of beer and four cups.

Jacob took the seat next to Elizabeth and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. “Your ass is amazing, along with the rest of you.” He placed the tray on the table and turned his head toward her.

Elizabeth loved how his comments made her feel. With a smile she couldn’t help herself any longer and she pulled his face toward her and planted a kiss on his lips. It was a long, soft kiss which ended too soon. Chad and his comments didn’t allow any more public displays of affection. “Thank you.” Was all Elizabeth said to Jacob as she looked directly into his eyes and gave a smile only for him.

They passed around the food and poured beer for everyone. Elizabeth picked up her cup and started gulping it. She didn’t realize how thirsty she was. She paused quickly, remembering her situation and placed the cup down on the table and decided to sip instead. She didn’t want to bring attention to herself and didn’t want anyone to think anything. So, she drank enough to not gain suspicion, without really drinking anything at all.
