Page 40 of More Than Enough

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“Thanks.” She noticed Jessica grab a couple bags of burgers from off the counter, and motion to her. “It was good to see you, and all of you, but we’re gonna go eat. Baby’s hungry.” She patted her belly, gave Chad and Stacey hugs, and left them behind with Jessica following.

Elizabeth found a table far enough away with a column in front of them to slightly block their view. She didn’t want to see that scene anymore and needed to get it out of her head.

Dropping her bags on an empty chair, she collapsed in a chair next to it, with exasperation coursing throughout her body. She looked up at Jessica who was placing the food on the table.

“You did great, Elizabeth.” Jessica ensured her friend as she emptied the tray of food and sat down across the table. “That was an unexpected shock, but you held your own.”

Elizabeth looked at Jessica, and picked up a French fry, slowly nibbling on it in thought. “Did I? I felt like I was just ogling at his arm around her like an idiot.” She opened a ketchup packet, squeezed it on her hamburger wrapper, and dipped another fry in it before she continued. Elizabeth couldn’t find any words to say. Shaking her head and putting fries in her mouth. Finally, she glanced up at Jessica who reached over and grabbed her hand.

“Girl, you did amazing. And just so you know, you look amazing. He noticed that. I could tell.” Jessica smiled with encouragement at Elizabeth.

“You think I look amazing?” Elizabeth did some posing with her fry in her hands making them both laugh.

“Yeah, I do, and you are.” Elizabeth felt better, so thankful she had Jessica. If Jacob wanted Kristen instead of her, let him have her!

Elizabeth and Jessica were enjoying the last of the summer sun, lying on lounge chairs out in Elizabeth’s backyard. It was late summer. They were enjoying the warm afternoon sunshine, and the waning summer days, both working on their tans. They both wore bikinis and although Elizabeth had a small beach ball growing, she still liked how she looked in the bikini.

Jessica was applying more sunblock and was deep in thought. “Hey, Elizabeth?”


“I was just thinking, but it may not be any of my business, so please don’t get angry if I’m overstepping.”

Elizabeth turned her head toward Jessica and lowered her sunglasses trying to get her to get to the point.

“Okay, I get it…Here it goes…Have you thought about telling Brady about the baby?”

Elizabeth paused and chewed on her lower lip. She then sat up and readjusted her lounge chair and placed her head heavily on the back.

“You sound like Trina. I just talked to her again the other day. She asked me the same thing again.”

“The friend from college who asked you to go to Florida, Trina?”

“Yeah, that’s the one. She was telling me about her apartment, and asked me if I’ve talked to Brady yet, and if I haven’t, would I be upset if she invited him to visit her?”

“What? Is she crazy?”

“No, she’s not crazy, she’s Trina. Anyway, what she said doesn’t matter. But I have thought about calling him a few times this summer, but I don’t know if I want to bother him with this. What if he’s moved on and has a new girl, a new life? Do I want to force him to be a part of ours?”

“Elizabeth, you aren’t forcing him to be a part of your life, but he does deserve to know he has a baby; that he’s a father.”

Elizabeth sighed. “I know. You’re right. I will think about it some more but not right now. Please change the subject.”

Jessica became thoughtful. “Okay, change of subject. So, are you gonna wear that cute, tiny blue and red summer dress you bought at the mall to Stacey’s picnic later today? I think you should. It looks adorable on you, and sexy. Just tight enough to show off your cute momma figure, and short enough so we can see those sexy golden legs of yours.” Jessica wiggled her eyebrows at Elizabeth as she took a big swig of water.

“Really, like it matters. There’s no one interested in this body anyway.” Elizabeth waved her hands in front of her to show off her body and belly, laying her hands to rest on top of her pregnant pooch.

“See, that’s where I know you’re wrong. Jacob is only with that, well, you know.” Jessica hesitated, unable to say the only word she could think of to describe Kristen.

“Hoe-Bitch, is what you are wanting to say.” Elizabeth interjected for her friend, glancing her way.

Jessica laughed at the name Elizabeth commonly called Kristen. “Yes, it is, thank you. Anyway, he is only with her to get under your skin. And she is eating up the attention.”

“Maybe, but it doesn’t matter. Remember I’m the one who ended things, and honestly, I shouldn’t have even started anything. I just hope he’s happy with his choice.” Elizabeth looked down at the grass and watched some ants walking by, working on gathering food to take home to their tunnel.

Elizabeth laid her head back on her chair, closed her eyes and murmured. “I don’t want to talk about Brady or Jacob anymore. Just make sure I don’t burn, please.”

“Here, just to keep the little one safe.” Jessica placed a towel over Elizabeth’s stomach. “I’ll set my alarm for thirty minutes, then we’ll have to go in to get ready. It starts at three.” Elizabeth gave her friend the thumbs up sign and ended up dozing off to the sound of birds chirping, the feel of the sun on her skin, and the light breeze blowing through the trees.
