Page 45 of More Than Enough

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She looked at Jessica with a thoughtful expression. “And to answer your question about if I’ve heard from him yet, yes, I have. He sent me a text while I was at the center, and I called him as soon as I got in my car.” Elizabeth stopped and took a drink of water then walked to the sunglasses to straighten them.

“Really, are you serious!” Jessica stood with her hands on her hips looking at Elizabeth, wanting her to continue. “You can’t say that and not tell me details. That can’t be all there is to this story.”

“Well, we decided we would meet in the city at the Farmer’s Market, Saturday. It’s about a forty-minute drive for both of us, so about the half-way mark between our houses, it’s a public place, so it should be crowded enough not to be too uncomfortable, and it seemed a fair distance for both of us. I didn’t tell him why, just that we needed to talk, and it was important, but something we needed to do in person.”

Jessica sat back down on the stool and leaned her arm on the counter. “Wow! Okay! What time?”

“Saturday around six. I need your help, though, and maybe Chad’s, too, if he wants to be involved.”

Jessica’s eyes danced with excitement.

“I would love for you two to come with me. Emotional support, and all that. I may need it. Just thinking about facing him makes me a basket of nerves.”

“I’m sure I can talk Chad into it. I’ll have him meet us here at five when we close. He’ll drive. Now what’s this guy like? What can I expect?”

Elizabeth became thoughtful. “Well, he’s about six feet, has brown hair that is wavy, almost curly. He wore it over his ears, always a little long. Dresses nice, works out, so he’s got a nice body, and a really sexy, tight ass.”

Jessica laughed at this. “Oh my gosh! You always talk about guys’ butts!”

Elizabeth had a wide smile which filled her face. “I know. The butt—known by most as the ass—is my favorite part to look at, and Brady’s is very easy to stare at, and amazing to hold and squeeze!” Elizabeth demonstrated ass squeezing with her hands, and the two girls broke down laughing.

They were laughing so hard; they were almost crying. They had to pull themselves together when a group of older ladies walked into the store.

“Time to get back to work.” Elizabeth walked away from Jessica and went to greet the women to see if she could help them find anything to purchase.

Saturday came faster than Elizabeth expected and so did closing time at the boutique.

It was a good thing the store was busy today because now that it was time to close, Elizabeth’s hands were shaking, and her heart was beating out of her chest.

“You ready?” Jessica wrapped her arm around Elizabeth to try and calm her.

Looking at her friend, Elizabeth smiled, placed her hand over Jessica’s and nodded her head, breathing in deeply to calm her frayed nerves.

Chad was waiting out by his car when the girls stepped out of the store and locked the door behind them. “Look at these two beautiful ladies. How was your day?”

Chad slipped his arms around Jessica, dipped her, and crushed her lips with a kiss before standing her up again. Elizabeth laughed at their antics and couldn’t help but notice how much Jessica’s face lit up when she saw him. The look of adoration for Chad was apparent when he stood her back up.

She knew they really liked each other, but being a part of this exchange made Elizabeth think that things between Jessica and Chad could be a bit more than they were letting on.

“Hello, am I interrupting here? Remember, you two are supporting me tonight. Will I just be in the way?” Elizabeth joked as she reached the passenger rear door preparing to open it.

Jessica tore herself away from Chad, and he turned and opened Elizabeth’s door for her and ushered her into the car. Elizabeth smiled and nodded at him.

“M’ Lady,” he answered to her, closed the door behind her, then turned to Jessica and did the same to her, but added a “beautiful” before the lady and kissed her on her hand before he closed her door and ran around to the driver’s side. Once they were all settled, and seat belts on, they headed down the road to the interstate toward the city.

The Farmer’s Market was hopping when they reached the parking lot and searched for a spot. Elizabeth got out of the car after she checked her reflection in her compact mirror and reapplied some mascara and lipstick.

Jessica grabbed her hand and squeezed. “Come on, girl. You look beautiful.”

Elizabeth returned her friend’s squeeze and looked at Jessica. She took a deep breath, quietly thanking her for the support.

Smiling with encouragement, Jessica linked her arm through Elizabeth’s and squeezed. “It’s gonna work out perfectly. You got this and we’re here for you if you need it.”

“And if he ends up being a dick, I’ll take him out. So, you’re good.” Chad, standing beside Jessica, reached around and gave Elizabeth a pat on the shoulder.

Laughing and shaking her head at the silliness that is Chad, she told them both thank you. She was so glad she had them here.

They started walking toward the outdoor cafe when Chad paused and turned toward the door leading to the inside restaurants. “Well, I’m gonna run inside really quick and grab a beer. Do either of you want anything?”
