Page 51 of More Than Enough

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The rest of the afternoon went well. The four of them talked and relaxed, getting to know each other. Mr. Parks wanted to know all about Brady’s family’s business, and what his responsibilities were. He readily shared all the information they asked about and was excited to show them that he had a stable and well-paying job.

Elizabeth surveyed the people sitting around the table, trying to picture Brady as a permanent part of the family. She found that her feelings for him were the same as they seemed in college.

She enjoyed her time with him, liked their time together, was physically attracted to him, but didn’t really see them as a couple. When thinking of who she would like to be with, Jacob still came to her mind. The way she felt when he looked at her, and the memory of their night together, still made her wish for a different outcome.

Realizing her thoughts kept drifting off, she shook her head and focused again on the discussion, put a smile on her face, and took a bite of her sandwich.

Brady drove to the restaurant. He didn’t miss the fact that Elizabeth had gotten quiet while they were eating with her parents, and this continued on their drive to meet Jessica and Chad.

Throwing quick glances her way, he found himself wondering what was going on inside her head. He reached across the seat and grabbed her hand to pull her a little closer. “Hey, you. Everything good? You’ve gotten quiet.”

Elizabeth gave him a small smile and nodded.

Glancing at her quizzically, he decided to let it go. If she wanted to talk about things, she would. He turned back to concentrate on the road, and it didn’t take long before they were turning into the parking lot.

Brady maneuvered his truck into a parking space, turned off the engine and quickly got out. Rushing around the truck, he opened Elizabeth’s door and helped her out, grabbing her arm, and pulling her back toward him before she could get too far.

She turned to face him with questioning and impatience radiating in her eyes. “What’s up? They’re waiting for us.”

Sighing with concern, Brady took her hands into his and looked at her.

“Elizabeth, I feel like there’s something going on. You call me and tell me about the baby, and I feel like we have really been connecting, but today, I’ve been getting mixed messages from you. I need to know what’s going through your head.”

Elizabeth looked off in the distance, not really focusing on anything, but not sure how to put her thoughts and feelings into words.

She chewed on her bottom lip, thinking about the past few weeks. She was so glad Brady was here and interested in her and the baby, but she couldn’t figure out why she wasn’t happier. He wants a relationship, wants them together. She thought she’d be ecstatic about that. Instead, she found herself empty; her feelings muddled.

She turned back to look at him, really look at him. She took in all his features. Searched his eyes for answers, and raised her hand, brushing it along the side of his face, she combed her fingers into his soft wavy hair, down his back, over his arms, finally folding her fingers through his.

“Brady, I’m so glad you’re here. I really am. I think I’m still getting used to it because honestly, I’m shocked. I didn’t think you would stick around and want to be a part of this.” As soon as these words left her lips, she saw the hurt which blazed in his eyes, and she cupped his face in her hands making him look at her; hoping he would understand.

“I know you want to be a part of us now, I’m just not sure how to proceed or what comes next. This frightens me. My plans this summer were to stay at home, save money, then head to Florida with Trina to start the next chapter of my life. This…” Letting go of him, she gestured toward her stomach. “… wasn’t in the plans. This is more than I bargained for, and it’s a little overwhelming.”

He interrupted her thoughts by wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her into him. Her arms answered him by intertwining around his neck. He pulled her toward him, so their mouths touched.

He kissed her gently but with purpose. Her hands tightened around his neck, and her fingers found their way into his soft curls. His hands went up her back to press her still closer to him. He deepened the kiss hoping to get a response.

Elizabeth found herself getting lost in this moment. She loved his kisses and found herself a little upset when he pulled away from her.

Brady looked at her and moved his hands to stroke the sides of her face. “It’s more than I planned, too, but I’ve always liked you, Elizabeth. You’re beautiful and fun. I love who I am when we’re together. I thought of you so much over the summer and wondered if I should call you, and I’m not just saying that. I promise, and to be totally honest, I wish I would have called you first.”

He hoped she believed him. He couldn’t be sure. “I’m glad I’m here, and the way you return my kisses, it seems like you’re glad I’m here, too.”

Elizabeth smiled a small smile as she searched his brown eyes, the eyes she used to love gazing into, but wasn’t sure what she was hoping to find.

I’ve been wanting a guy to feel this way about me, so why can’t I just be good with this? He’s everything I want. What’s wrong with me now that I have him?

Instead, she said the only thing she could. “Thank you. I’m glad you’re here, too.”

She leaned in and kissed him, slow but deep, hoping he would believe her. “We should go inside. I’m sure Jessica and Chad are waiting on us.”

Brady looked at her, grabbed her hand and brought her knuckles to his lips. “Then, let’s get going.” They walked into the restaurant together.

“Hey, you two.” Jessica waved across the restaurant to get Elizabeth’s attention. Smiling in recognition and pulling Brady along, Elizabeth led him through the maze of tables to where Chad and Jessica were waiting.

Jessica and Chad stood up to welcome the new additions. Hugs and handshakes were shared, and Brady and Elizabeth took their seats at the table. Not one to beat around the bush, Jessica asked what she wanted to know.

“So how did things go?” She glanced back and forth impatiently between Elizabeth and Brady.
