Page 55 of More Than Enough

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Next, Elizabeth hugged her boss tightly, thanking her and strolled around the crowd, talking with everyone and thanking them for coming.

The afternoon was amazing. They played games, ate food, talked, and laughed. Elizabeth opened so many gifts, she was speechless. She had diapers, clothes, booties, bottles, pacifiers, stuffed animals, and lots more things she didn’t even realize a baby needed but was sure she would be thankful she had when the time came.

Elizabeth was overwhelmed with the love that she was shown and made sure to thank everyone as the party died down, and the ladies started to leave.

Jessica noticed the tears that started to fall down Elizabeth’s cheeks and wrapped her friend in a hug. “Hey, it’s supposed to be a fun day. You’re not supposed to be crying.”

Elizabeth laughed through the tears at her friend’s whiny voice. “I know. It has been a fun day. It’s been perfect. I’m just amazed at how awesome everything was, and everyone who cared so much. It’s a bit overwhelming.” Elizabeth hugged her friend back. “Thank you, so much. It really was a great time. I was so surprised.” Elizabeth squeezed extra hard, before letting Jessica free from her grasp.

Jessica smiled wide. “I’m so glad. Mrs. Stanzel and your mom had tons of fun helping me plan it. Your doctor’s appointment was a perfect time to keep you from getting here early. I just wish Brady would have been here with you. How’s that going?” Elizabeth filled her in on the text she sent and her reasoning on not finding out the baby’s sex.

Elizabeth shook her head in frustration. “I screwed up, and he must still be upset. I don’t blame him at all. I really hurt him and have to deal with it, no matter how bad things get.”

Jessica handed Elizabeth back her phone, after reading the last text she sent him. “I’m sorry things have become so crappy. But you know, in your final text you told him ‘no strings attached.’ That just might be the problem. He seems to want the strings, and I think he also wants to be attached.”

Elizabeth looked at Jessica thoughtfully and glanced down at the last text she sent. “You know, I didn’t think of that. He told me not to contact him until I made a decision, or the baby came. I guess ‘no strings attached’ isn’t the decision he wants.” Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders. “There’s really nothing else I can promise him. I wish there was, and I don’t know why there isn’t.”

“Well, there’s nothing we can do about it right now. Let’s help Mrs. Stanzel close and get these presents to your house. Maybe we can start decorating the nursery.”

Jessica led Elizabeth out of the backroom, and they started going through the motions to close for the day. This was the simplest workday ever. Elizabeth just got paid to be the guest of honor at her own party. How awesome was that!

Elizabeth carried some of the gifts from her car into the house.

“Hey there, Lilly Billy. Why are you carrying those things in here? Put them down. I’ll empty your car.” Her father took the few packages from her arms and placed them on the steps. “So, did you have fun?”

Elizabeth scrunched her eyes at her father. “I should have figured you were in on it. But yes, it was amazing. I’m a little hurt that you actually kept it a surprise from me, Dad.”

Her dad just smiled and wiggled her eyebrows at Elizabeth. “What do you mean? I’m good at keeping surprises from you.”

“Really, Dad? How about my sweet sixteen party? I think I remember you leaking something about that.”

“Excuse me? Did I miss something about you telling our daughter about her sweet sixteen?” Mrs. Parks came into the foyer at this time, with her hands on her hips, interrupting the conversation.

“What? I don’t know what Elizabeth’s talking about.” Mr. Parks smiled as he said this. The women laughed at the man they loved and surrounded him in a group hug.

It was then that Jessica came through the door with her arms loaded down with gifts. “Well, I guess I missed something. I’d love to be a part of the group hug, but my arms are full.”

Elizabeth and her mom let Mr. Parks go. Mr. Parks took some of the gifts from Jessica, and Mrs. Parks picked up the gifts left on the steps. “You know, girls, let’s take these packages upstairs. There’s something I need you to see, Elizabeth.” Mr. Parks led the women upstairs into the nursery.

He opened the door and stepped aside to let Elizabeth go in first. She stopped suddenly as soon as she stepped past the threshold and her eyes got wide.

Just yesterday the room stood empty. Now it was filled with a crib, dressing table, dresser, bookshelf, and a glider rocker. Elizabeth walked through the room, dragging her hand over the smooth cherry wood of the dresser, and then the crib.

She stood over the crib which was placed right in front of the window which looked out over the backyard and its row of mature oak trees. She always loved this view. She stood in awe of what was all around her.

Her dad came up next to her and wrapped her in a side hug, as he also looked out the window. “How do you like it?”

“It’s amazing, Dad. It’s exactly what I was looking at online. It’s perfect.” She leaned over and hugged her father hard, squeezing him like she might lose him if she let go. “Thank you so much. I love it.”

He returned the hug. “Good. I’m so glad. I want everything to be as perfect as possible for you and the little one. I know it’s not going to be easy, but we are here to help you with anything you need. Your mom and I love you both so much.”

He gave her an extra squeeze and dropped a kiss on top of her head. “Now let me go help your mom and Jessica unload all your gifts. You relax. It’s been a long day.” He separated himself from his daughter’s hug and left the room to empty her car of gifts.

Elizabeth went to the glider rocker to sit and rest. She put her feet up on the ottoman, leaned her head back, closed her eyes, and rocked. It was a very comfortable chair, and she pictured herself rocking a little baby in her arms long into the night. She imagined a dark-haired baby with big brown eyes, just like his father, and realized she thought ‘his’ and remembered the envelope on her front seat, still sitting there.

Brady’s face flashed through her mind, but then as if her brain didn’t want her to get too comfortable with him, she then saw the sky-blue eyes she desired so much.

Jessica interrupted her thoughts. “This is the last of it. Your mom and dad are going to pick up some salad and pizza for dinner. What should we do first?”
