Page 58 of More Than Enough

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The pretty woman glanced down at Elizabeth’s protruding belly and breathed in a quick, deep breath, covering her mouth with her hands. An older man came over to them and placed his arm around Joanna’s waist.

“I’m sorry. I just can’t believe it.” She stopped herself in mid-sentence and her husband completed her thoughts.

“I think what she means is that we are both a little overwhelmed with the fact that we’ll be grandparents very soon.” He put his hand out to shake Elizabeth’s. “I’m Tim.”

Elizabeth returned his handshake smiling at them both, but she was at a loss for words. “I’m so sorry. I promise, I really am.”

Her phone made a noise, and she looked down and noticed a message from her mom. She was going to wait in the car. Elizabeth sent her back a text telling her she was upstairs outside Brady’s room and just met his parents. She’d let her know when she was on her way.

At the same time, she tapped send, Christian came out of Brady’s room and came over to her. Her heart sped up with anticipation.

“He’s good with seeing you. You can go on in.” He led Elizabeth to the door and gave her an encouraging smile. She opened the door and entered the room.

Brady was in bed sitting up. He had his leg elevated on a few pillows, and an IV in his arm. He looked tired but gave her a weak smile when he saw her.

Elizabeth insecurely approached his bed. “Hi.”

“Hey.” He answered her back looking directly at her with eyes void of emotion.

“Can I sit down?” she asked, motioning to the chair. He nodded his head, so she pulled the chair closer to his bedside and took a seat.

Once she was comfortable, she glanced around at the machines. She also took in his appearance. He had a few scrapes on his face, and a fading greenish, yellowish bruise just above his left temple.

She looked at his cast, then dragged her eyes up to his face. “Does it hurt much?” She was sure that was a stupid question, but it was all she could think of saying.

Brady wiggled the tube going from the IV into his arm. “As long as I’m drinking this cocktail, I’m all good. I’ve been hurt worse.” He smiled a little when he said this. His good spirits, even if they were fake, made her smile in return. And she didn’t miss the hidden meaning in his words.

After a few seconds of silence, awkwardness, and just watching each other, Elizabeth finally spoke. “Brady, I’m so sorry this happened to you. I came as soon as I heard. I wish I knew before now.”

Brady sat up as much as he could in his bed. “Elizabeth, stop. Please. My brother let me know he told you quite a bit. Look, it’s simple. I was excited when I heard from you. I should have said some things before graduation, but I didn’t. We were both so focused on ourselves. A little selfish. But, Elizabeth…” He stopped what he was saying and took a big cleansing breath, looking directly at her. The look he gave her was so intense and serious. It gave Elizabeth a chill all the way down her spine. She could feel her stomach getting warm. She wanted to break his gaze but found she couldn’t.

“Elizabeth, I’m sure this isn’t the right time to say this, but I’m in love with you. I have been for a while. I don’t want you to think this has to do with the baby. It doesn’t. You are the sweetest person I know. I love spending time with you, dancing with you. I love the light in your eyes when you are talking about your latest passion. I enjoy just walking in the park and talking with you.” The words he just spoke shocked her. She didn’t know what to say or do. She dropped her eyes from his face and stared at the textures in the blanket he had around him.

Brady continued. “But look, I don’t want you to feel obligated to feel the same way back. I don’t expect anything from you but honesty.” He paused, took a deep breath, caught her gaze, then continued. “That’s why I need to ask you to leave. I was doing good before we talked. I was having a great summer and was enjoying learning the business with my dad. I need to be focused on that again and not be distracted with thoughts of you, thoughts of us.”

Elizabeth shook her head in confusion and brought her eyes back up to his, tears threatening to spill over. “Brady, I don’t understand. Why didn’t you anything at school about how you felt? You say you’re in love with me, but at the same time you want me to leave you alone. That doesn’t make sense. We have a baby coming soon.” She said this last part like she had to remind him she was pregnant. Like he could possibly forget.

He grasped her hands in his. “I know, Elizabeth. Trust me, I know. I will help you with the baby. I’m the father. I’ll do my part. I just think it’s best if we stay apart.”

“But, Brady, I care about you. I thought we were gonna try to have something together. I thought that’s what we wanted.” Elizabeth found herself pleading with him, she squeezed her hands tighter around his, scared to let them go.

Brady chuckled at her words and rolled his eyes in frustration. “See. Elizabeth, that’s exactly what I mean. We’ve known each other for four years already. We have had a relationship in the past. We already really know each other. We made a baby for God’s sake. If it was meant to be, we wouldn’t have to ‘try’ to have something, and by now you would feel more than just ‘caring’ for me. You would already love me, like I love you.” He stopped, clearly upset, frustrated, and tired.

Tired, not just from the accident, but from trying.

He massaged the side of his head. Elizabeth became concerned. She stood up quickly. “Brady, are you okay?”

He pulled his hand out of hers. “Just a headache. It happens with a concussion. I’m fine Elizabeth. I’ll heal.”

He looked up at her and held her gaze with determination. “You really need to go.”

Elizabeth suddenly felt panic rising to the surface. She was scared to leave him here in this room, but she also couldn’t tell him what he wanted to hear. She frantically searched her heart for the feelings she wanted to feel. The feelings she was surprised she couldn’t find. Why couldn’t she find them?

“Brady.”Tears were again filling her eyes. She could find no more words to say. The blank and empty look on his face was all she could take. She leaned toward him to give him a kiss, but he turned his face slightly away from her and closed his eyes, so she kissed his cheek and quickly walked out of the room, past his family, down the hall to the elevator, and to her mother waiting in the car.

Days flew by as Elizabeth counted down until she became a mother. She always had something to do, or an appointment to go to. The baby was still growing and seemed to be healthy. She kept Brady up to date with texts after her doctor’s appointments, whenever she opened a new gift, or just that the baby was becoming more and more active. He never answered any of them.

“Hey, you. Jessica entered the kitchen sunroom where Elizabeth was sitting enjoying a cup of hot green tea lost in thought.“Whatcha’ up to?” She plopped down next to Elizabeth and noticed she had a cup of tea in one hand, and an envelope in another. Elizabeth held the envelope up in the air.

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