Page 62 of More Than Enough

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“Yes, looks like it. Now finish up wrapping your gifts and come to the living room to watchIt’s a Wonderful Lifewith us,” Charlotte answered.

Brady stood up and gently bounced Grant. “I’ve never seen that.”

“What!” exclaimed Elizabeth. “That’s un-American.It’s a Wonderful Lifeis a Park family tradition.” Elizabeth replied.

A couple hours later, there was a baby sleeping in Elizabeth’s arms and her head was laid on Brady’s shoulder, and the credits rolled.

“So, what did you think?” asked Jackson.

Brady glanced over at Charlotte, who was asleep on the couch. “Well, I think I found it more entertaining than Charlotte.”

Jackson chuckled. “Yeah, she’s always had problems with making it through entire movies unless she watches them during the day.” He nudged her awake. “Come on Char. Time for bed.”

She stretched as she stood, and they said goodnight.

As soon as her parents disappeared up the stairs, they sat in silence watching their son sleep and the twinkling of the Christmas tree lights which covered the living room in a soft glow.

Brady combed his fingers through Elizabeth’s hair, “If someone would have told me this time last year that that Christmas was going to be my last one without a baby, I would’ve laughed in their face and told them they were crazy.” His voice was quiet and thoughtful. “Last year, you and I went to the Christmas formal. God, you were beautiful.”

“That was an amazing night, and we were the best-looking couple there.” Remembered Elizabeth with a smile. She wore a wine-colored floor-length dress which hugged her curves. Brady wore an amazing black suit with a black dress shirt and a vest that matched her dress. Her heart quickened, remembering how happy she had been with him. “That was when I first realized I felt something real for you.” She twisted on the couch so she could look at him.

Brady’s hand dragged across her neck. “Really? Then why, when I asked you to date me, you denied me?”

She did. She wasn’t sure why she didn’t jump at the chance then, and she wasn’t sure now. “I don’t know. I can just guess that God had other plans for us. I know this is where we belong.” She snuggled close to his side and adjusted Grant in her arms.

Brady pressed his lips to the side of her head. His hand traveled from her hair to her face and gently brushed her cheek. “You were so beautiful that night. You might have just realized you had feelings for me, but that solidified my feelings for you. I knew I was head over heels and just had to be patient for you to catch up.” His fingers combed her hair behind her ear.

She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. Suddenly, warmth touched her lips and her heart skipped. Brady’s lips were soft and warm as they caressed hers. His tongue softly found its way to hers as the kiss became deeper. Reluctantly, she pulled away. “Let’s get this kiddo to bed, then continue this upstairs.”

“That sounds amazing.” Brady helped her up.

After she laid Grant in his crib, Elizabeth got ready for bed. She threw back the covers as she sat on the mattress and froze. A long, thin, rectangular box was there. “What’s this?” A smile spread over her face, and she could feel herself turning red.

“Nothing much, just a little something for you.”

“But it’s not Christmas yet.”

“I know, but I want you to wear it tomorrow. You can’t wear it if you haven’t opened it.”

Her smile met her eyes, and her hands shook as she unwrapped the box. Inside was a small, silver heart necklace. She swallowed down a lump. “Brady, it’s beautiful. Thank you so much.” She fastened it behind her neck. “It’s perfect. I love it.” She leaned against the headboard.

“You’re welcome. I’m glad I got iced in tonight. There’s nowhere else I’d rather spend Christmas Eve than with you and Grant.” He closed the small space between them. His fingers dug into her hair, pulling her closer. Their lips met.

Elizabeth’s heart fluttered in her chest. She was glad he got iced in, too.

He pulled away. “There’s something else, but it’s not really a gift.”

Elizabeth’s forehead creased. “What do you mean?”

Brady leaned against the headboard. “I’ve been working with a realtor. Do you know those town houses that are being built near the square?”

“Yeah. The cute ones I pass every day when I go to work.”

“Yep. I’ve put money down on one. I’ll be able to move in sometime in April.”

Elizabeth’s eyes got wide. “Really? You’re moving here?”

Brady nodded and laughed. “Yeah. Why do you sound so surprised? I want to be closer to you and Grant. Seeing you only on weekends is getting old. I want to see you both every day, as much as possible.”

Elizabeth’s pulse raced. He was moving near them. They could be together all the time. “Thank you. So much. That’s the best present I could have gotten. You, near me in the new year.”

Brady cupped her face in his hands. “I love you, Elizabeth. I love you with my whole heart. This is going to be the best Christmas ever. I can feel it.”

“The best Christmas, and the best new year.” She touched her lips to his. “Merry Christmas, Brady. I love you.” She melted into his kiss as her heart raced.
