Page 10 of Your Love is Enough

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“Yes, she does, but I wouldn’t be upset if your sales department manager would stop buying such cute outfits. I’m going to go broke.”

Barbara laughed. “You can always come to work here, Stacey, if you no longer want to work at the hospital. I give a small discount.” Barbara retreated into the back of the store.

Stacey placed her hands on the counter and puffed air out of her lungs, blowing a piece of hair from her face. If Barbara only realized how possible her words were. A job here would be simpler than the politics and selfishness of a hospital.I just hope another hospital has the small town feel that County does. That’s what was best about County.

Stacey paid her large bill. “I’ll order for us at the sandwich shop and meet you at the table under the tree, so you don’t need to go very far.”

“That would be great. Thanks.”

Stacey put her bags in her car and then walked across the parking lot to the sandwich shop. Main Street Deli was the best place in town to get soup, sandwiches, and salads. The bread was always baked fresh daily, and the soups were to die for.

Walking in the door caused Stacey’s senses to go on high alert. Garlic, Italian seasoning, fresh baked bread, lots of smells accosted her senses and made her mouth water. She looked at the board with the daily specials, decided on roast beef on rye for both her and Elizabeth, and the homemade chips the deli was famous for.

Once she had their order, she went to the picnic table under the tree by the boutique. It looked over a grassy area just outside of downtown. There was a gazebo in the clearing, and an older couple sat there enjoying the day.

She opened the sandwich, took a bite, and savored the flavors. She ate slowly while waiting for Elizabeth and watched the streets of the small downtown.

She loved this town and didn’t think twice about moving here after their parent’s death. She and Jacob grew up a short distance away in the neighboring town, but after the accident, they needed a change. As soon as she could, Stacey put their childhood home up for sale and purchased the one they’re in now, next to Elizabeth’s parents. She chose this town for this purpose. It’s safe, it’s welcoming, and it’s full of happy memories.

Her parents’ used to bring her and Jacob to the Christmas parade every year. Jacob played little league at the baseball field at the park, and she and her mom frequented the small square and the cute stores that adorn the store spaces. Even now, on a Wednesday afternoon, there was a lively amount of people supporting the small retailers, and sitting under this tree eating her sandwich, was perfect. Peace settled across Stacey, and her stress seemed to just melt away.

Elizabeth joined her at the table. “Thanks, Stace. I’m starving. By the time I got Grant up and ate breakfast, I was running late.” She unwrapped her sandwich. “Brady and I chose a date for the wedding last night.”

Stacey was dragged back to the present and almost dropped her sandwich. She slapped her hands flat on the table. “Seriously!” Her eyes popped at her friend’s news. “When? I hope I’m invited.”

Elizabeth laughed, took a large bite of her sandwich, and spoke with her mouth full. “Of course, you’re invited. It’s going to be on May 11th. My dad’s birthday.”

Stacey’s heart swelled. Elizabeth had just lost her dad a few months ago. He had an unexpected heart attack when the girls were out of town the weekend she met Tristan.

Jackson Parks was an amazing man and a great neighbor, who Stacey and Jacob could always count on. His death weighed heavily on Elizabeth and her mom, Charlotte. Elizabeth and Grant live with Charlotte to help her and keep her from getting lonely. It’s great being able to see Elizabeth often and watching Grant grow up has been a plus.

“Elizabeth, he would love that. What a great way to make him a part of your special day.”

Stacey noticed Elizabeth’s eyes fill with tears. She reached across the table and squeezed her hand.

Elizabeth sent a small smile across the table. “Thanks, Stace. It’s also going to be at our house. Just a small ceremony for close friends and family in our backyard, with dinner and dancing under a tent. That’s what he wanted us to do when we first talked about getting married.”

The excitement of Elizabeth’s news almost made Stacey forget about hers.

Elizabeth wiped her hand in the air. “Wait, you didn’t invite me to lunch to hear about my wedding plans. What’s going on with you and Tristan? How’d things go yesterday?”

Stacey’s face scrunched up. What does she know about yesterday?

Elizabeth continued. “I talked to Jacob. I know it was the anniversary of your parents’ accident. How are you?”

Stacey fidgeted with the paper which covered her sandwich. “Honestly, it wasn’t the best day.” Stacey told her about waking up with the dream, how it seemed that all the patients had loving parents and grandparents supporting them, and then losing her job.

Stacey could see the sympathy getting ready to spew from Elizabeth’s mouth and didn’t really want anyone to feel bad for her again. She heard it yesterday from Jacob and Kristen, then on the phone from Tristan when she told him about losing her job.

“But… I’m going to see Tristan tonight. We’re going out to dinner.” Stacey stared off into the distance, not really focusing on anything. “Elizabeth, he’s different. Most guys just want to talk about themselves or throw money at me and brag about their wealth and that I don’t need to worry about anything. They’ll take care of me. They’re so pushy and arrogant and into themselves. Tristan’s not like that. Well, he did buy our tickets for the movies.”Typical man.“But he listens to what I have to say. He also doesn’t get offended if I ask to pay for something.” She stopped and made eye contact with Elizabeth. “Now, don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against a guy buying me presents and doing things for me, but I want them to know I don’t need them. I want them.” She stopped. “I’ve never gotten to the wanting part, though. Does that make sense?”

Elizabeth smiled, and her voice became soft. “Yes, it does. That’s what I wanted, and I was a single mom trying to work things out with my baby’s daddy. There’s a difference between needing someone and wanting someone. When a relationship is because two people want to be with each other, then the need to be together grows from that. That’s love.”

Stacey’s breathing calmed. “My mom told me something like that once. That’s the kind of love she and my dad had. They wanted to be together so much that their need for each other grew into two babies.”

A picture of Tristan and her cuddling a baby together flashed through her mind. She blinked quickly and shook her head. “Okay, enough of that. As long as Tristan doesn’t throw around money or lie and cheat, it’ll all be good. I just want to have fun, be myself, and see where things go.”

“I agree,” said Elizabeth. “That would be a great way for a relationship to start. No need to jump the gun and go right for the family.”
