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Tristan lowered his chin to his chest and grabbed her arm, gently pulling her back to him, and smirked. “That’s not the first time you’ve told me that, and here I am. I’m not here for a one-night stand. I like you, Stacey—I really do, and I’m willing to wait and take things as slowly as necessary. If taking six months to get here hasn’t shown you that, I don’t know what will.”

He locked his gaze onto hers and lifted his brows. “But now that I finally got you to go out with me for thismeeting,I’m really not ready to let you go. How about coffee? The bookstore has a cute coffee shop. We can grab a coffee and dessert—I’ll let you pay—and we can talk.”

Stacey’s heart finally calmed, and her breathing slowed. She really didn’t want to let him go yet, either. “Yeah, okay. I’d really like that.”

“Good.” He closed her door and took her hand.

Two coffees and one enormous slice of cheesecake ordered; they found a quiet table.

“So, I know you’re a nurse.” Tristan took a bite of cheesecake. “You love taking care of people, but you hate people taking care of you. You’re fiercely independent and not one to ask for help. Your brother and your BFF Kristen are the two most important people in your family, and you will do anything for those you call your friends. How’s that for a summary of Stacey Lynn Kempt? Did I forget anything?”

His stunning, smoky gray eyes were one hundred percent focused on her. He really was amazing. Maybe perfect wasn’t a bad thing. “You remembered my middle name. I think I only told you it once.”

He reached across the table and engulfed her small, delicate hand in his large one. “You did. I make it a habit to remember names. It’s important to my job and when I want to get to know people.”

His thumb made circles on her palm, causing sparks of electricity to seep deep in her skin.

She drank her coffee, engulfed in the silence. It would be easy to let him in. It would hurt like hell when things didn’t work out, and he walked away.

She pulled her hand from his and surrounded her coffee cup in a death-like grip. “I’m impressed. I’m a nurse, and if I didn’t have a chart with my patients’ names on it, I wouldn’t remember them. It’s something I’ve always struggled with.”

Small talk continued, and it came easy. They laughed about the movie and the unbelievable personalities of the protagonist and his future love interest. They talked about books and their favorite authors.

The cheesecake was down to graham cracker crumbs, and her coffee was empty. She checked her phone—nine o’clock. She needed to get home. Morning came early. “I’ve had a great time, but I really need to go.” She pushed her chair out and grabbed the empty cups and plate and threw them away before he was even standing.

He joined her at the door and insisted on her going first, then grabbed her hand as they walked back to their cars.

It was crazy, but here she was again, anticipating his good night kiss. This time, though, it wasn’t nerves that filled her, but excitement. She may not be about relationships, but all the things that come with relationships kissing, playing around, sex—weren’t off the table. And it’s been a while. Okay, if she was truthful, it’s been a long while. She hasn’t made it past date number two with most guys before she’s over it. This one, though, was different. She could tell already. That’s probably why she’d been avoiding this meeting.

As soon as they reached her car, she again pushed the button to unlock it, but didn’t open the door. Instead, she turned toward him and grabbed his shirt, pulling him to her.

His hands grasped the side of her head, his fingers weaved into her hair, and their eyes held each other in an intense gaze.

Stacey felt a connection, like an electric pulse enter her body. Her heart picked up speed, and her knees grew weak. His gaze radiated into her, heating her up from the inside out. Then finally, their lips met. It was soft and gentle at first as their tongues took some time discovering each other. Then a hunger exploded inside her, and the kiss changed. It became hot, like him. Filled with passion and desire. It was a kiss that could lead to other things if they were in another place. She moaned as it became deeper and sank her fingers into his hair. She was sure that if he wasn’t holding her, her knees would have given out.

Finally, they separated, and she didn’t bother to hide the desire in her eyes or the fact that she had a hard time catching her breath.

He brushed his finger across her cheek, held her face, and smiled that smile that made the crease appear.

She reached up to brush it, softly caressing his cheek. Their eyes locked together, searching deep in each other’s soul. He brushed his lips against hers again. A much softer and sweeter kiss. She couldn’t move away if she wanted to, but nothing in her wanted to.

All too soon, their lips parted, and Stacey felt like she was stranded in the middle of an ocean, and it took her a minute to get her bearings and catch her breath.

Tristan’s hands traveled down her arms, and his fingers interlaced with hers. “This was a great night. Thank you.”

“Thank you for what?” Her fingers heated where their skin touched.

“For finally saying yes and letting me take you out. I was starting to think I was wasting my time. Adler thought I was. Honestly, after waiting this long, I was thinking he was right and almost didn’t ask again.”

Stacey jolted, and she froze as those words soaked into her brain. Her stupid trust issues and stubborn emotions almost made this amazing night never happen. “I’m glad you asked, and I’m glad I said yes.” She was, and she had a great night. He was different. She could feel it.

The crease appeared again when he smiled.“Can I call you tomorrow? Maybe take you to dinner?”

“I work the next couple of days.” Noticing how his face fell, she added, “But I’ll be free Wednesday.”

“Perfect. Let’s plan on Wednesday. I don’t want to wait longer than that to see you.” He smiled his handsome smile, and the streetlights glittered in his eyes. “I’ll call you.” He gave her another quick kiss and walked toward his car.

Stacey watched him go, enjoying the perfection of his rear in his tight jeans and the sculpted way his shirt fit over his shoulders and back. Mm. He was yummy.
