Page 64 of Your Love is Enough

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Elizabeth jumped up. “It’s late. I gotta go and make sure Mom could get Grant to bed. Good night, everyone.” She gave hugs around the circle.

“Yep, I gotta run also. It’s getting late.” Jessica followed Elizabeth’s example.

“My honey’s in bed waiting on me.” Kristen hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You got this, Stace. Follow your heart for once.”

Stacey and Desiree were the only ones left. They worked silently as they cleaned the table and put away the cake. Stacey finally broke the silence. “What do you think about everything?”

“Look, I’m not really sure what happened, but I know he doesn’t think he lied. I think it’s just a big misunderstanding, and you both need to talk things out.” And Desiree was gone.

Stacey sat on the deck, waiting for the lights of Tristan’s car to enter her driveway. Her thoughts kept flip-flopping back and forth. First, she admitted to herself that she blew things out of proportion. She knew she could do that. But she had a problem with the fact that he didn’t tell her about his aunt. All he had to do was say something. It wouldn’t have been hard, but he chose to ignore it. That was what she couldn’t forget. That was what bothered her the most.

Well, she would hear it directly from the horse’s mouth. He pulled into the driveway.

As he parked, she stood up and leaned on the railing. Her breath caught as he got out of his car and walked closer to her. Even on this chilly March night, he was dressed only in a t-shirt and jeans. A pair of cowboy boots on his feet.

Her eyes met his as he got closer, and they wouldn’t leave the confines of each other. His smoky grays pulled her in like a tornado in a storm. Her insides clutched, and her pulse raced.

He climbed the steps, then was there in front of her with his hands shoved in his back pockets and a small smile on his face. Man, did he look adorable.

Heat grew in her gut as she returned his smile. This was the right thing. They could make this work. “Hi. I’m glad you’re here.” Her voice was small, and her eyes still didn’t want to leave the confines of his.

“Hey. Me too.”

They walked toward each other. Automatically, their hands met like they were pulled together by a magnetic force. When their fingers intertwined, electricity shot through her, and she felt their connection.

“I’m sorry I overreacted.” She blurted the words out before knowing she would.

Tristan shook his head. “I should have told you. I’m so sorry.”

Stacey opened her mouth, but he held up a hand to stop her. “Let me finish.” That hand tucked some hair behind her ears. “I knew you had trust issues from the beginning, and lying was a definite no. And I agree. It is with me also. You can’t have a relationship if you can’t trust each other.” He looked away before he continued.

She gave him time. They needed to get this all out.

“I wish I could verbalize why I didn’t say anything. There were plenty of times, perfect times, to tell you about my aunt. I just…” He shrugged and turned his gaze back to her.

The smile grew on Stacey’s face. It wasn’t all him, though. “I didn’t make it easy on you. Spouting all my insecurities about rich people and how much I couldn’t stand the doctors at the hospital. I was rude and a lot insecure. That insecurity almost cost me you.”

Their gaze held.

Her heart skipped.

Slowly, they closed the space between them until their lips met.

She melted into him. His kiss, his taste. She missed this. It had only been four days, but it felt like a lifetime.

When the kiss ended, he held her face close to his. His eyes roamed over her, and then slowly, his lips came to hers again. This kiss became deeper, more intense. It made up for the time they lost in those four days.

Their breath was ragged when they parted.

Stacey held her eyes closed tight, willing his smell and taste to her memory.

Tristan spoke, his voice deep. “I need you to know you can trust me. I’m not like those other rich assholes you’ve dated.” His hands brushed the sides of her face and held her head tight. “I love you, and I screwed up. I was scared you’d leave if you knew who my aunt was, and I lost you anyway because I said nothing. I would take it all back if I could, but I can’t, and I’m sorry for all of it.”

Her heart swelled. “I’m sorry, too. I didn’t need to automatically put you in the same category. You never gave me a reason to.” She pulled him to her in a desperate embrace. Her insecurities made her almost lose this amazing person in front of her.

Their embrace led to another kiss, which led to them ending up in her room. The night was amazing, filled with each of them apologizing to the other over and over. Reminding each other of their feelings.

Stacey took advantage of an empty house and a happy heart to give her enough energy to get through the day. When Jacob and Kristen came home, the oven was filled with food, there was a cake on the counter, and the house was sparkling.

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