Page 88 of Your Love is Enough

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He winked at her as she left the kitchen.

Jacob and Kristen were a little late, which was their typical selves lately. Stacey and Tristan were on the deck when the car finally pulled into the driveway. Tristan wrapped an arm around her waist. “Are you ready?” His face radiated excitement.

Sometimes Stacey thought he was more excited about this baby than she was. That was okay with her. He was going to be a great dad. “Yep. Let’s do this.”

She walked at a fast pace toward the car, a smile wide on her face. An adorable little girl with long blonde hair, the spitting image of her mother, came toddling into Stacey’s arms. “Hey, precious angel. How’s Aunt Stacey’s girl?” Stacey twirled Carly around in a circle before landing her perfectly on her hip. Carly’s laugh twinkled like wind chimes. Once her laughter stopped, her two little hands pressed against Stacey’s face, and she left a slobbery, wet kiss on her cheek. “Wow, thanks.”

“Here, let me say hi.” Tristan took his niece from Stacey’s arms.

Jacob laughed as Stacey wiped her cheek dry. “Hey, sis.” He wrapped her in a hug. “You know that was a slobber of love.”

“Yeah, little brother. I know.” Stacey turned to Kristen, whose stomach was huge. “Hey, bestie.” She sang.

Kristen scowled, causing Stacey to throw her head back in laughter as she wrapped her in a strong hug. Kristen was an amazing mother, much to her own surprise, but hated being pregnant. Pregnancy brought out the bitchy side of her a little more.

“Looks like you’re feeling great.” Continued Stacey.

Kristen placed her hands on her enormous stomach. “Yeah, well, this little guy is in no hurry. He was due yesterday. I’m really over this. I’m hot, my feet are swollen, and I’m so tired.”

Jacob wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her shoulder. “But you are still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He kissed her cheek.

Kristen’s face softened. “Thank you, Jake. I don’t know how you see that, but as long as you believe it.”

“Oh, Kristen. You’re being a little over dramatic. It can’t be that bad,” said Stacey.

The scowl was back on her face. “Let’s just see what you say when you’re finally pregnant, and the baby decides not to be on time, has made your stomach blow up like a hot air balloon, your shoes don’t fit,andyou can’t walk without everything hurting. Until that happens, just don’t talk to me.”

“Well,” said Tristan. “Those were some encouraging words for your best friend who will be facing all those issues in about…” he turned to Stacey.

She looked at the sky and counted on her fingers. She held up six. “Six months, give or take a day or two.”

Tristan winked at her, and they waited for Jacob and Kristen’s reaction.

Jacob picked up Carly in his arms, and his eyes got wide. “What?” He turned to Kristen, then back to his sister. “You’re pregnant?”

She nodded.

“Wow!” He wrapped her in a hug, “Congratulations!”

Kristen squealed. “Yes! I’m so excited for you!” Kristen joined in their hug, and Carly got smooshed and let out a little cry.

Stacey laughed and leaned into her beautiful niece. “You are going to have a big year, princess. First, you’ll be a big sister, and then you get to be a cousin. Aunt Stacey is having a baby.”

Carly pointed to her mom’s belly. “Baby there.”

Kristen grabbed her daughter’s finger and kissed it. “Yes, Car. And there’s also a baby in Aunt Stacey’s belly.”

Carly, being only eighteen months old, didn’t really care and wanted to get down. She ran around the yard chasing the birds.

Tristan wrapped his arm around Stacey’s waist and gave her a kiss.

Jacob wrapped his around Kristen. “I’m so happy for you two,” said Jacob.

“Me too,” agreed Kristen. “The best thing is that our kids will be close in age and able to grow up together. Life is perfect.”

Stacey’s face shone. Kristen was right. Life was perfect. She and Kristen were married to the men of their dreams, and their kids will grow up together.

Life couldn’t get any better.

“You’re glowing, gorgeous.” Tristan brushed some hair off her face. “That look fits you perfectly.” He leaned in and kissed her.
