Page 14 of All or Something

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He learns more about my work, what I teach, and the like. Conversation seems to flow much easier than on our first date. Maybe this could work. Or maybe it never will with our parents looming over me and pushing their wants into me. It’s too much to deal with and I don’t have the strength to do it. Nor do I have the courage to cut them off completely.

Which makes me think of us. Whatever that exactly entails.

“What are you hoping to get out of this?” I ask him, motioning between the two of us later as he drives us home.

“You staying is all. I hope you’ll see there’s something between us and you’ll stay for us to figure it out. I’m not exactly hoping to get…” He pauses and laughs. “I was going to say married, but that’s not quite right. We’re married, but we’re not a couple. If you stay, maybe we can continue seeing what happens. Maybe we’ll stay together; maybe we’ll get a divorce.” He shrugs. “But at least we’ll have tried and done so on our own terms.”

That I can deal with and handle. If he was hoping for me to put my wedding ring on at the end of three dates, then I’d have to go ahead and let him down. Not happening. Just because I’m good with potentially sticking around and dating him, doesn’t mean I think we’re prepared to embrace married life.

“If you decide you want to stay with me, that’s fine,” Sergey continues. “If you want your own space, I’ll help you find something.”

Us living together brings something else to mind. Something where the topic may piss Sergey off, and I don’t want to ruin a good afternoon and evening by making him angry. At the same time, I can’t help myself.

“There’s something I think we still need to discuss.”

A worried glance comes my way.

“The money you send.”

Sergey interrupts me with a no-nonsense tone. “You’re still my wife, Galina. Please just let me do that; donate it, keep it, invest it, I don’t care.”

“So far, I’ve just saved it. I was actually hoping to give it back to you.” I peek over at him to see his jaw clenched.

“This has t0 be the least of our issues.” A hard exhale pushes through his nose. “If it’ll make you feel better, okay, but I’d rather you donate it if you don’t want to keep it.”

It’s not much, but it’s a compromise. I’ll take it.

Since he’s taken to holding my hand while he drives, I give his a squeeze of appreciation.

When he parks, he says, “Our last date, you pick. I’ll go and do whatever you want me to do.”

“Anything I want?” This is surprising to me. I’ve always thought of Sergey as being one who’d rather be in charge and make the decisions.

“Anything,” he confirms.

This could get very interesting; I’ll have to think long and hard about what will be the best and most fun date.



“How are things with your wife?”Scotty asks one night when I come over for dinner. They invited Galina to come, and I relayed that, but she decided to stay behind. I’m perfectly okay with that. She doesn’t have to go with me everywhere, especially at this stage in our relationship. She is still a wife who isn’t quite my wife.

“We’re making progress. Things are good. I think she may stay.”

“That’s great,” he says.

“If she doesn’t, I can always play matchmaker,” Sylvia offers. “I’ve been successful in the past.”

Scott cuts a look at her, but I just chuckle. She means well. I think she’s slightly upset that Galina stayed behind. She’s unable to chat with her, learn more about her, and be nosy. I’m sure Galina isn’t missing out.

While things have been going well with us, I feel like Galina still has some reservations. That’s fine. There’s a long history, even if some of it is devoid of any interactions; I can’t expect too much. That would be unfair. She’s had to deal with way more regarding our so-called relationship than I have.

“She’s not still upset over the pool incident, is she?” Sylvia asks. She’s been trying to figure out why Galina decided to stay home.

“No. Next time, she’ll come,” I promise.

“Not everyone is a social butterfly,” Scott tells her with a teasing tone.
