Page 8 of All or Something

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I huff. Of course they don't. Why bother Sergey with what they think needs to be done? It's all supposed to be up to me. I’m the problem anyway. “Thank you,” I finally tell him, truly grateful.

He nods. After a moment, he says, “You told her we were divorcing?”

“That we're thinking of it.” I shrug. “I don't know what I was hoping to accomplish with that.” With a sigh, I hide my face in my hands. The weight of both of our parents’ expectations has overwhelmed me for so long. I've tried to ignore it and move on, but being here with Sergey and knowing that soon, one way or another, this fiasco will be dealt with has brought it all back to the forefront. Exhaustion weighs me down to the point I feel as if I’m drowning.

Sergey closes the distance between us and envelops me in his arms. “You should have told me sooner.”

“I don't need someone else telling me what I should have done or should be doing,” I snap into his chest. Does he not see I’ve been doing the best I can?

“I'm just saying I was never supposed to be your enemy.”

My shoulders sag. “I know.” He was an enemy by association. I'm still not sure where he stands on that ground either. He left me to find my own way home from the disaster of our first date. It's been a few days since then and we've been walking on eggshells around one another.

What has startled me, though, is this side of Sergey that I've never seen before. I didn't know these things exist in men. Even my own father doesn't do what I've witnessed from Sergey this week. He's cooked a meal or two, but even if I cook, he always washes the dishes afterward. He's asked if I needed any clothes washed when he did laundry. He's gone grocery shopping and has even picked up some snacks for me, without even asking. I can only imagine that he knows what I like from the little time we voluntarily spent time together all those years ago or from my mother, way back when they started pushing us together.

He's sweet. Certainly doesn't seem like he expects anything out of me. It seems as if he truly sees me as an equal, as a partner in this mess. It's changed my view of him and in a good way. Being here to see his movements, his's messing with my mind. Or, more accurately, other parts of my body. For so long, I've directed my anger with my parents, with this situation, at Sergey too and it's slowly dawning on me, with each peek of that ring hanging from his neck, that I've been a fool to do so.

He’s right. He’s an ally and I should have at least considered him one.

“The party is today.”

“I know,” I groan. Sergey chuckles as I sit up to look at him, causing his arms to fall back by his sides. “You aren't going to leave me there, are you?”

“You aren't going to get pissed and nearly get yourself run over by a car and then call me a liar, are you?” he asks with narrowed eyes.

Deciding now isn't the time to dive into it, I shrug. “We'll have to see.” Swiveling away from him and his too-intense gaze, I mutter, “I have to get ready.”

I'm dreading this party so much. Why does Sergey have to do this to me? It spells disaster. How will he introduce me? Are they really nice people? Even if so, will they be nice to me? Why invite me when they’ll ask questions when I undoubtedly disappear soon? Just because Sergey stood up to his mother for me doesn’t mean I think this thing between us will actually work. Yet, he’s integrating me into his life as if it will. My stomach launches to my throat as I get ready and then as Sergey drives us over to his teammate's house.

The party is hopping in the backyard when we arrive. Sergey leads me that way with a hand on my lower back. I don't know whether to stick to his side or run far, far away.

At first, no one notices us.

And then...


The little girl who shouted his name runs full speed toward him. His hand falls away from me and he crouches to catch her as she barrels into him. Within seconds, a second girl follows. He rocks on his heels from the impact.

“Hello, Stephanie. And I can't forget you, too, Stella. How are you two today?” he asks.

“We've been waiting for you!” they say together.

And then one of them notices me. I'm not sure which.

“Who are you?”

“This is Galina. I'll need you two to help me keep an eye on her and make sure she has fun, okay?”

The girls eye me with a little suspicion, but nod. One little girl takes my hand while the other takes Sergey's.

“Come with us. Momma said to bring you over when you got here.”

Sergey chuckles but allows them to drag us. And that's when I realize everyone is trying their hardest not to gawk at us. I told Sergey this would be awkward. How can he just show up with a woman? And if he introduces me as his wife? Even worse, especially if things fall through.

I really want to go home.

“Can you speak Russian too?” the little girl asks me as we walk.
