Page 25 of Battle Lines

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“I—I turned down their money. I never gave them anything, but they knew—the man on the phone. He knew. Said all I had to do was make Collin happy and tell them when Collin was here.”

He swallowed. The gulp echoed in the quiet.

“I swear I never betrayed him. I just—didn’t know how to make it all stop.”

“That’s why he’s dead and you’re not. Wash your face, get a drink, then move.”

I wouldn’t be here to stop the next one. Collin didn’t want him hurt. I couldn’t protect them both from stupid.

Leaving the apartment, I headed down the steps to the ground floor. I went out on a different side of the building and climbed into a taxi. The mess was already being scraped up.


“Where to?” the driver asked.

“La Guardia,” I told him. I had a flight to catch.



Aheavy leg draped mine, half-pinning me to the bed. The arm curled over my breasts dragged me closer when I shifted. A very stiff erection pressed right against my ass. Warmth blanketed me.

Fuck that, it was like the sun blanketed me. The intensity of the heat striking like a blast furnace. Lips moved along the column of my throat, hard, biting kisses that had my nipples straining. Releasing a groan, I ground back against the heavy cock leaving a damp trail on my skin.

“Pretty Boy,” I exhaled the greeting and then his hand cupped my face and I went from being groped so beautifully to pinned to the bed and all that masculine weight pressed me down. His mouth fused to mine and I didn’t even have a moment to process if morning breath was an issue.

The heat of his tongue stroking mine just stoked the fire soaking through me. The roll of his hips as he settled between my legs had me straining, and then he was pushing in. The relentless thrust was pleasure and pain, twinned, stretching me out until he was deep enough to leave a mark on my soul.

Head back against the bed, I stared up at the ceiling. The pillows were gone and the drag of the sheet had all but fallen away. The only thing covering me was Milo. Only the city lights beyond the windows served to give us any illumination and I gripped his shoulders.

“Good morning…” The last word came out in a rush as he rocked his hips forward, the thrust forced the air out of me.

“Not yet,” he said on a growl. “But we’re getting there.” There was no more room for words or thought as he devoured my mouth. The biting kiss was all consuming. When I would have wrapped my legs around his hips, he slid an arm under one thigh and hooked my foot up over his shoulder.

Fuck, the movement let him push deeper and I was tilting my pelvis up to meet every surge of his. Tension coiled tighter and tighter with every frenetic slam and grind of our skin together. The patience he could show, the deliberateness—there was no time for that.

Our coupling was fierce, ferocious, and fiery. The bastard kept taking me right to the edge and then he would drag back, slowing his movements. The third time, it struck me he’d done it on purpose. I dug my nails into his shoulders as he began to chuckle.

“Eyes on me, Mayhem,” he commanded and I scowled at him.

“Dick in me, Pretty Boy.”

His laughter deepened, the chuckles threatening to detonate my system all over again, but he stilled. He stilled and even arching up to meet him, I couldn’t achieve the friction he’d managed.

“Oh, my dick knows exactly where he is,” he promised in a sensuous growl. “Buried to my balls in your sweet pussy. I’m just giving you a taste of your own medicine.”

“What?” Confusion filtered through me. “What did I do?”

“You’ve been gone a lot, Mayhem,” he narrowed that game between us, thrusting deep and I swore he was going to leave a fucking imprint on my soul. “Too much. You made me miss you—so every orgasm I hold back—that’s a moment in my day where I wanted you here. Or to be with you…”

The rawness in his confession turned the threat from erotic torture to seductive promise. “You could have come with me,” I reminded him as he bit down on my earlobe and I arched my back. The roughness in his hands was always there—the calluses a reminder that his life had been far from soft.

It reflected in the shadows housed within his eyes. Shadows and fire and the kind of restraint that made me want to chip away all the chains until it was just Milo in all his unrefined glory. He was so damn direct, it almost hurt my heart how brutally honest he could be, and at the same time—the connection flaring to life every single time he touched me.

The scrape of his teeth, a sharpness to remind that pain was always present, and then the teasing lave of his tongue as if to sooth the injury. Yes, pain and life were forever intertwined, but so were pain and pleasure. Darkness and light. The caress of a hand could become the heavy weight of a slap—not to harm but to just draw us more into the present.

I’d never been more present than I was with Milo. The ease with which he could move me and then fill me, never failed to delight me. Nor did the fact that desperation for him seemed to edge every one of our encounters.
