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“Are you okay with all this talk of relocating? I mean, it’s all kind of sudden.”

“Are you kidding me? I’m ecstatic about it! Though, there is one teensy problem. The more you’re over, the more spiders you may see.”

She expected him to cringe. Instead, he smirked.

“Ornotsee. I called the exterminator weeks ago. Haven’t you noticed there were fewer of the leggy devils roaming your floors lately?”

“Now that you mention it… Wait, is this somethingelseyou didn’t tell me about?”

He offered her a sheepish grin. “Surprise!”

“Wha—Oh, I’ll give you a surprise, all right!” Mia dashed off the porch, scooped up a handful of snow, and lobbed it at him. He dodged the throw and ran inside, laughing. Mia shook her head and brushed the snow from her hands.

“Where’s Alex?”

Mia turned to find her sister approaching. “Inside. Where are Isaac and the boys?”

“Corralled in the back yard. Whew, I’m whooped.” Del laughed. “Good Christmas so far?”

From inside the farmhouse, Alex stuck his tongue out at her. Something told her that man was going to keep her on her toes. And that was more than all right with her.

“Best I’ve had in years.”

“Good,” Del said, walking backward toward the porch. “See? I knew you’d forgive me.”


Her sister laughed and took the front steps two at a time. Alex held the door for her, then called to Mia.

“You done throwing snowballs at me?”

Mia shrugged as she reached the porch. “That depends. Are you done with the surprises?”

He stepped outside, an ornery grin on his face. “Don’t count on it.”

“Fine, just promise me they’ll all be good ones.”

He cupped her cheeks and kissed her sweetly. “Now that, I can do.”

The End
