Page 41 of Gunn's Mission

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Maddie couldn’t have imagined anything more magical. Yes, the air inside the room was cool, and their skin prickled with goosebumps. Yes, the bed was too narrow, but that smallness forced them together, made them roll carefully and move with precision so they didn’t find themselves on the floor. Something they joked about when they rested.

Now, Gunn lay on his back with her on her side, her thigh draped over his, her torso snuggled into him and her head resting on his left shoulder. She trailed her fingers over the scars on his shoulder and arm. They were a deep, angry pink and mottled in appearance, satin-smooth to the touch. “This must’ve been painful.”

“I was lucky,” he said, his voice gruff.

She glanced up at his face. His expression was neutral. He obviously didn’t want to talk about it, but she wanted to know more. “You said you lost friends.”

He gave a curt nod. “Those of us who survived the helicopter crashes went through a lengthy rehab.” He held up his hand and squeezed it into a fist. “The fact I can hold a handgun and fire it with accuracy now is thanks to that rehab. Others of my friends, those who survived, lost limbs and organs. They had a harder time with their recoveries.”

She brought his hand to her mouth and kissed the scars on his knuckles. “I’m thankful you’re here.”

His gaze left her face, following his hand as it smoothed over her shoulder and across her breast. “You’re so perfect,” he said, then pulled his scarred hand away.

Frowning, Maddie pushed up from his side and straddled his hips. Then she reached for his damaged hand and placed it on her breast, her own hand covering his to keep it there. “I’m far from perfect. These,” she said, squeezing on his hand to force him to plump her breast, “are okay, but when you go here…” She pushed his hand down to her belly and then over her ass. “My torso is too short, my hips too wide. I tend to gather weight in my belly, and I like food and don’t care to exercise all that much.” She sat tall on his hips. “Have a look. I have flaws. So do you. Yours…” She paused as the backs of her eyes began to burn with unshed tears. “Your scars don’t take away from your appearance, Gunn. You’re strong and built like a fucking brick house. This…” she trailed a finger along the longest scar stretching from his shoulder down to nearly his elbow, “makes me ache—not with pity, but with regret that you felt so much pain. Still, I don’t think they’re ugly. I see all of you, and I’ve never been so attracted to another man than I am to you.”

Gunn’s Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. Then he gripped her waist and raised her high enough he could fit the tip of his cloaked cock against her folds. When he brought her down, he filled her. Maddie sighed and her head tilted backward.

His hands gripped her upper arms and brought her against his chest. “You take my breath away, Maddie Russo.”

His fist in her hair forced her mouth to his, and he kissed her hard. Then he held her hips and lifted and lowered her, doing all the work. Again, she witnessed his strength and gloried in it.

After both found their pleasure, she collapsed against him. “I’m staying just like this forever.”

“Maddie,” he whispered.

She lifted her head and looked into his eyes. His expression was solemn, his gaze steady.

“I don’t want this to end.”

Everything inside her went still. “I don’t either.”

They werethe first to stir in the early morning hours. Gunn took his tablet to the kitchen table while Maddie made the coffee. He watched the feed, choosing one then the other, rolling through the previous evening’s video. Other than trips to the bathroom or the kitchen, the crew stayed in their rooms, Nate joining Hanna inside hers.

He checked the outdoor feeds, scrolling just out of curiosity. The snowfall never let up. Then around three in the morning, a large lumbering figure passed the front door, pausing to sniff, then wandering away.

“We had a visitor last night.”

He turned his tablet toward Maddie, and she gave a soft whistle. “They usually keep to the edge of the ice when they visit the floe. It’s where they hunt.”

“We’ll have to warn the others to keep an eye out.”

“We don’t want anyone surprised, and I wouldn’t put anyone unnecessarily at risk, but we have to hit the ice today. I want to grab the cards at Mateo’s site once it starts to lighten up out there. I’ll have to go through the supplies in the garage to see if I have spare cards to replace them with.”

“We’ll both go armed in case our friend is still around.”

She nodded. “And I need to remind them they all have to be armed now. It’s going to make things awkward because everyone is going to know it’s not just bear safety—it’s also because we have to operate on a bit of paranoia that one of our own is a threat.”

“Come sit,” Gunn said.

She brought her coffee and sat opposite him at the table. When she met his gaze, a blush began to tinge her already pink cheeks.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked as if he didn’t already know.

“You’re better than an alarm clock.”

He grinned, enjoying her blushes. Then he grew serious and rested his elbows on the table. “Have you thought about what you’ll do if Polardyne shuts down the site?”

“I… Yeah. I’ve put out some feelers with some old friends to see if there’s any work I can pick up.”
