Page 42 of Booker's Mission

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“It’s a gift. Now, are you two ready to get out of the rain, or were you hoping to roast a few marshmallows over the flames?”

“Jackass. And it could have been much worse. Trust me.”

“I do, which is why I’m on the ground and not up with the others. You know I won’t fly with anyone else unless it’s life or death.” Wyatt motioned to the truck idling a few feet away. “Jump in. Some DEA bigwig named Higgins already has a quick response team on the way. What’s sure to be an epic shit show while they sort everything out. You guys might want to be in some dry clothes before that happens. Then, assuming no one arrests your asses on the spot, we’ll try to head home tomorrow.”

Wyatt walked toward the truck before glancing back. “Unless you wanted to stay? Do some sightseeing. I hear the rainforest is lovely.”

“You really are an ass.”

“I know. Now, jump in, before I change my mind and make you walk back to the hanger.”


“Calliope? You still with me, sweetheart?”

Callie jumped as Booker’s voice sounded in her ear, blinking back the fuzziness. Cringing when she realized she’d passed out in the elevator, leaning against Wyatt in order to stay on her feet. Though, if the guy minded, he wasn’t showing it.

She straightened, wiping her mouth to check for drool before tugging on her shirt. Giving Wyatt a curt nod. “Sorry. I guess I blanked out for a moment.”

Wyatt merely grinned, watching her stumble out of the unit as if he thought he’d need to catch her. And with how unsteady her legs felt, he just might. “I think I’d be more concerned if you and Booker weren’t dead on your feet. It sounds as if it’s been a hell of a couple of days.”

“Considering we would have just been dead if you and your team hadn’t come along, it could have turned out much worse.”

Booker coughed, shaking his head as he palmed his chest. “After all I did to ensure we didn’t crash, you’re giving Wyatt and the others all the credit for us still breathing? That hurts, Callie.”

“Xavier, Hunter, and Gunnardidget the other pilot to land. And Wyatt didn’t make us walk, so…”

“I’ll remember that when you need someone to fly you through a typhoon, again.”

She smiled, closing the distance between them, then running her finger along his chest. “Ah, don’t worry, baby. You’ll always be my hero.”

Wyatt snorted. “Baby?”

Booker grinned, and she swore the guy was beaming. “You’re just jealous because Kirby calls you jackass.”

“Kirby calls every guy jackass.”

“Exactly. You’re pissed you don’t have some cutesy pet name.”

“Thisis why she calls you a jackass.” Wyatt raked his hand through his hair, nodding at the hallway. “You two steady enough to make it to your room, or do you need an escort?”

“After hiking through the jungle, I think we can manage a carpeted hallway. But thanks for offering.”

“See? Jackass.” He nodded at Callie. “And you’re welcome.”

Wyatt took a few steps, then stopped, glancing back at them. “And Bookerdidfinally tell you he’s crazy about you, right? The reason you’re calling him baby. Why you didn’t get separate rooms. Why he’s got that ridiculous smile on his face when he hasn’t smiled in forever. Because if he hasn’t, I’d hate to have to shoot my best friend in the ass.”

Booker groaned, shaking his head. “This would be extremely awkward if I hadn’t.”

Wyatt grinned. “I know.”

“You might want to take your own advice, buddy, and tell Kirby that.”

“Hey, I can only fix one love life at a time. Get some rest. Our flight’s at noon. and I don’t want to walk in on anything tomorrow.”

Wyatt gave them one last look, reminding them he was only a couple of doors down, then struck off, disappearing into his room.

Booker waited until the guy’s door closed before placing his hand on the small of her back — leading her to their door then inside. She managed to stay on her feet all the way to the bed before turning and dropping onto her back.
