Page 55 of Booker's Mission

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“I was never going to die. And I believe we’ve been humping like bunnies for the past week.”

“Not enough. I need more.”

“I’ll make you a deal. You tell me why you keep ghosting your new boss, and I’ll make you scream for the next two hours.”

She looked back at him. “Two hours?”

“Two hours…Ifyou tell me why you keep ignoring your phone. I know it’s DC calling.”

She slipped out of his arms, pacing across the room before spinning and bridging her weight on the far wall. “DC can wait.”

“They’ve been waiting for three weeks. You can’t stall them forever.”

“I’ve still got two more days on my mandatory medical leave. They can wait.”

“Calliope.” He ambled over, getting close but not touching her. “Talk to me. What’s going through that amazing head of yours?”


“Sweetheart. It’s okay. I know they want you to head the investigation in DC. Probably take over a supervisory role at one of their district offices. And if that’s what you want to do, then just tell me. We can find a way to make it work.”

She leaned her head back, watching him through lowered lashes. “You’d do that? Either travel or consider moving? Leaving Wyatt and your brothers behind, because that’s what this is, right? A brotherhood?”

He inched closer, tucking some lose strands behind her ear. “Do I want to leave? No. Would I if that was what it took for us to be together? Hell, yes. I’m not saying it would be easy, but… I love you. That trumps everything else.”

Shit. Tears. Pooling in her eyes then slipping down her cheeks. Falling to the floor like tiny shards of glass. He opened his mouth to apologize. To say something — anything to stop her from crying — when she grabbed him by the shirt and tugged him against her, that soft, velvety mouth crushing over his.

Booker threaded his fingers through her hair, pulling her impossibly closer as he swallowed her needy cries, nipping his way down her neck then back up, eating at her mouth, again. He wasn’t sure how much time passed before he was finally ready to ease back. Suck in some air.

Callie stayed close, her lips kiss-swollen. Those gorgeous eyes all dark and lust blown. She brushed her mouth over his, smiling at his raspy breath. “Booker.”

“I mean it. I love you, Calliope. So, unless you’re trying to tell me you don’t want a future together, I’ll—”

“I quit.”

“Do whatever it…” He stopped, giving his head a shake because he swore she’d just said she’d quit. “You what?”

God, her smile. It was like that sunset from earlier all golden and warm. “I said, I quit. That’s why DC keeps calling me. I told them to take their job and… well, you know.”

He blinked, staring at her, the words still processing inside his head. “You… quit?”

“Did you get a concussion I’m unaware of, or are you just going deaf in your advanced age?”

“I’m only five years older than you, and I’m asking because I’m… Fuck, I’m speechless. Are you okay with this? Did I pressure you? Are you happy—”

She silenced him with a finger across his mouth. “So many questions. Yes, I’m okay with this. No, you didn’t pressure me, and as long as I have you… I’m perfect. I love your sorry ass, remember? And there’s nothing I want more than to show you just how much for the next sixty years.”

“Hell, yeah, you do.” He brushed his knuckles along her cheek. “So, would now be a good time to ask you to move in with me? And tell you that I want to buy a place of our own, just like this. With a bit of land and a whole lot of rooms to fill up?”

More tears, but he didn’t freak out.

She nuzzled his nose. “Now would be the perfect time to ask. But before you go thinking that I’m hanging everything up, this is just a change in vocation. In fact, I was thinking we could get a place that has a small office attached to it. So I don’t have to commute to work.”

“Commute to work? What are you going to do?”

“Start my own private investigation company, of course. I mean, who better to unearth a bunch of secrets than a former agent?” She drew her finger along his chest like she did whenever she was trying to seduce him. “Just imagine the things I can uncover.”

Booker tugged her hard against him. “A PI, huh? I like the sound of that. As long as you promise not to spy on me.”

“You got something to hide, baby?”

He ground his erection against her stomach. “Just this.”

“That seems serious. I think I should take a closer look.”

“That might be dangerous.”

“I’m counting on it. Now, how about you put all that healing to good use and carry me to bed. I have a new mission for you, and it’s going to take all night.”
