Page 23 of Kian

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She cleaned her plate and looked up to see Bill smiling at her.

“Sorry,” she said, feeling embarrassed. “I guess I wolfed that down.”

“You were very mannerly,” he said. “It just does my heart good to see a Terran woman eat her fill.”

“Plenty of our kind don’t get the chance,” she agreed. “I was very lucky to have this opportunity.”

“Me too,” Bill said. “I thank the gods for it every day.”

“Is there more, Deputy?” Avril boomed from across the table.

“Sorry, miss,” the deputy said, shaking his head.

“Time for bawdy tales then,” Lyslee crowed, tossing her glorious red hair over her muscular shoulder.

“Me first,” Avril laughed.

Kinsley had never heard bawdy tales. It was said that Terrans were prudish compared to other races, but she was certain the men on her planet told as many dirty stories as they did here. But her mother told her women were not amused by tales of conquest.

Her lack of conquests of her own had her very curious about these tales, and she leaned forward, waiting with more than a little anticipation.

“No way,” Kian said suddenly.

She looked up and realized he was staring at her, his brow furrowed so that it almost looked like storm clouds were forming on his face.

“You should go to bed,” he told her.

Her fury rocketed up past the boiling point.

“What, are you my dad?” she demanded, standing up and leaning over the table.

Several of their companions sucked in a breath, but she didn’t spare them a glance.

“No, but you’re that whelp’s mom,” he spat back. “And she’ll be up very, very early.”

She frowned, realizing he was right.

“Unless it’s more important to you to stay up late listening to sexy stories with your new friend,” he said, looking absolutely furious.

My new friend?

Completely confused, and angrier than ever, she slid her chair in and marched away, his words still echoing in her head.

Sure, Kian might have caught her eyeing him up a little, but surely she hadn’t shown her hand enough to make him tease her about wanting to listen to bawdy stories with him.

She hadn’t asked for this overwhelming and clearly unreturned attraction.

“That was harsh,” Avril whispered just loudly enough for her to hear it.

But Kian didn’t whisper back.

Kinsley wondered if he was placing his hand on the Grummish girl’s muscular thigh instead.

The idea sent an unfamiliar frisson of lust and hatred through her, and she hurried back to her bed at the other end of the longhouse.

She wanted nothing more than to pace, or maybe even go out into the frigid night to cool down her heated cheeks.

But she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.
