Page 4 of Kian

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Blessed silence followed.

“Was that Invicta?” the girl’s sweet voice asked after a moment. “What does it mean?”

He waited a moment, but she didn’t try to answer herself, just stared at him, her beautiful dark eyes burning into his soul.

“Do you not have a translator chip?” he asked her, narrowing his eyes.

“On a teacher’s salary?” she asked. “On Terra-17?”

She broke into pealing laughter that was certain to set the dogs off all over again.

“It meanssilence,” he said with finality.

To her credit, the girl closed her mouth immediately.

Her obedience sent a wave of dragon-deep satisfaction over him that almost took his breath away.

But her eyes were sorrowful, and he felt a pang of almost instant regret for hurting her feelings.

The dragon moaned in his head, begging him to apologize by claiming her and annihilating her senses with unholy pleasure.

Why should I feel bad for telling her to quiet down?he asked himself angrily, trying his best to ignore both the dragon and the girl.My duty is to watch over the whelp, and Nova needs peace and quiet in order to thrive.

But while Kian sorted through the unexpected waterfall of feelings he had not asked to experience, the girl had already moved on and hopped into the sled.

He had to move quickly, leaping onto the bench beside her before she could take off without him.

His sense of relief when he was seated was short-lived.

Instantly, her delicious scent wove its way into him, overwhelming his senses and making him wild with unsatisfied lust.

The dragon lunged at its bars, ready for him to mount her without delay or even an explanation.

She will love it. She will beg for more…

The way she trembled beside him told him she was frightened.

Then her scent changed slightly.

No,he told the dragon.No, no, no.

But there was no point denying it. His little mate wasn’t frightened. She trembled because she felt the bond tightening. He could practically taste the exquisite scent of her need in the air between them as she gazed up at him in confusion, her beautiful dark eyes slightly hazy with lust.

Kian let out a deep breath and set his eyes on the road ahead.

It was going to be a long trip.



Kinsley shivered as hot lust and cold shock went through her all at once.

What in all the stars was happening to her?

She opened her mouth to ask the question, then closed it again, aware that she’d already been talking too much.

Her parents had always scolded her for her curiosity. And in this case, what was she even planning to ask?
