Page 53 of Kian

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The rusted old machine had picked up speed too, and was almost on her.

The dragon grabbed it in his claws and clamped as he came down, ready to crush it to bits.

But in his haste to reach his mate, he had failed to realize how many more had been activated, and just how fast they really were.

As he turned the wretched machine in his claws, another one smashed into him, clamping its metal arms around his scales and twisting. The dragon roared in anger, but when he turned, another machine grabbed onto him, and another.

He flapped his wings instinctively, and the machines still latched on.

But he was off-balance now, and it was hard to get off the ground.

He heard the hiss of the sheriff’s robotic suit approaching and he worked his wings, trying to get above the fray once more.

“You Invicta think you’re so much better than everyone.” The sheriff’s voice sounded hollow and strange from inside the metal and glass chamber of his suit. “But you’re just a stupid lizard.”

The sheriff’s suit leaped forward, grasping claws extended. There was a horrible tearing sound, and then unimaginable pain ripped through the dragon’s senses.

He screamed and tried again to get into the air, flapping frantically, every movement a fresh agony. The sheriff had torn his wing. And the machines were trying to crush the scales from his body.

Fury began to overtake him as he realized such small things were doing such damage to him, all so that they could destroy his mate, and continue to starve out the helpless Terrans who lived here.

Letting the fury guide him, he managed to thrust himself into the air, where he flapped awkwardly, hovering over the people below.

He couldn’t shake off all of the machines, and they were unaffected by his flight. But there was one thing he could do to destroy them.

Closing his eyes and seeking a new air current, he flapped hard.

The air ripped through his shredded wing as he lifted higher, his flight erratic, his big body twisting sideways with the wounded wing, and under the weight of the machinery.

Up, up, into the frigid gray sky, and further still, until he could taste the humidity in the frail wisps of cloud.

For you, my mate,he thought, as he prepared to dive.If I do not survive, I died for you.

Then he was rocketing downward, wings tucked to his sides, nose down, aiming straight for the sheriff.

The ground flew toward the dragon again, and he heard Kinsley’s frantic screams just before he crashed to the earth, crushing the machines and the robotic suit under his mighty weight.



Kinsley wailed as the ground rumbled and shook around her fallen mate.

She tried desperately to get to him, but the earth was still reverberating, harder than before, and she stumbled with each step.

“It’s an island forming,” Avril screamed to Kinsley. “This land is about to lift up into one of those floating islands.”

Kinsley turned to her in horror.

Just behind Avril, the dogs were racing toward her, the sled flying behind them.

They were running for Kian, searching for their master, and they were about to be flying off the equivalent of a cliff.

“I have to catch them,” she screamed to Avril.

Kinsley slipped the baby out of the sling and handed her to Avril.

“Can you get her off of here?” she asked.
