Page 25 of Unlikely Alphas

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“I’m better now,” Finnen says, and I wish I could believe him, the stubborn idiot.

“You know hits on the head are tricky.”

“This might shock you, acolyte, but I, too, received the standard Temple education, including health lore.”

“Okay, he sounds like his normal self. He’ll be fine.” I turn to Taj. “Come help Finn so that Kiaran can find us shelter for the night.”

There’s a moment of frozen silence, frozen time, where we all contemplate the fact that I’ve taken over the situation and started issuing orders.

To an army commander, a priest, and a Wildman.

Go, Ari.


But Finnen snorts softly, Taj grins wider, thumps his fist to his chest in a military salute, and comes to take over from Kiaran, and Kiaran…

He’s still, watching me with those blue eyes. He resists Taj’s efforts to pull Finn away from him for a moment, his gaze never leaving me.

Then he grabs me and hauls me against him. “You didn’t stay in cave,” he growls and I gasp, familiar fire running through me, at his touch, his grip, his voice, the feel of his tall body against mine. “You disobeyed.”

“I couldn’t stay. I had to find you—”

He smacks my ass, grabs it, presses me to what I realize is a straining erection. “I punish you later. Now I find shelter.”

And he releases me and stalks off, leaving me to stare at his muscular ass, barely covered by that small loincloth, at his long legs and broad back, as he strides away.

“Your Wildman is wild,” Taj comments, hauling Finnen over to me. There’s a strange expression on his face.


“Nothing. I just never thought I’d go from zero interest to getting constantly hard over a pretty, bossy omega and two annoying as hell alphas.”

“You’ve never slept with anyone?”

“Oh, sure. Handjobs, blowjobs here and there in between campaigns. You know how the army is.”

I shrug. I knew he wasn’t a virgin from the things he’d said the first time we met, and yet it stings a little to know he’s been with others. As if he’s mine. Promised to me.

Why this sting of jealousy?

“We should get moving,” Taj says. “Can you see him?”

“Yeah. Come on.” I step in, press myself to Finnen’s other side, and he wraps his arm around my shoulders without a word.

Which makes me worry all over again. It isn’t like him to accept help without vehement protest. Just how bad is that head wound? And is he hiding any other wound under his clothes?

As the dark gathers around us, hiding the world, I still see Kiaran walking ahead of us, lights playing on his hair, like glowing moths.

How is the world changing? How are we transforming?

Most people angst over love and relationships. Few have to also bring persecution and the future of the Fae race into the equation and still…

Still, I don’t think I’d have done anything differently. I can’t imagine not meeting these three men, not walking with them under the moon.

Even if the path remains dark and fraught with danger.

