Page 27 of Unlikely Alphas

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It startles a laugh out of me. “You’re just saying that because you’re one of those men.”

He grins at me and it’s sharp and dangerous and sexy. “Of course.”

“You do realize that I may add more men to the group.” I swallow hard, force myself to continue. “It’s what a Fae-blooded omega does, apparently. Gather a clan around her.”

“I know.”

“And you don’t mind?”

He turns and grabs me around the waist, pulling me to him, then his mouth is on mine, swallowing my gasp. It’s quick and hard and hot and leaves me trembling when he draws back to gaze down at me with glittering gray eyes.

“I can’t tell you now how I will feel about all this tomorrow,” he says with ferocious frankness, “but, Ari… trust me when I say that I’m willing to give it a try, because the way I feel about you and Finnen? I can’t quite put it into words without making it sound ridiculous and I can’t have that when I feel like my heart is about to burst. Add to that the way I want you, the way I want to have you on every surface, in every position, in every hour of every day and I can’t fight it. I can only go with the flow. If this is a Fae thing, if it’s just my nature, an ancient instinct controlling me, I can’t say. But I admire you and I respect Finnen, and that’s not something physical. It’s much more than that. Know what I mean?”

Choked up, I nod and I open my mouth to say that I think I do, even though he hasn’t given me any real assurance about the future but how could he, anyway? And then…

A shift in scents and I’m already turning away, racing toward the others—

“No! Finn, don’t!”

Kiaran is on his back and Finnen has him by the neck, choking him—and I have a brief moment of wondering whether the choking sensation I felt earlier was really mine, really born of emotion, or if I somehow felt one of my mates choking.

And Kiaran… he’s not doing anything to defend himself. He has his hands wrapped around Finnen’s wrists and he’s gazing up at him but not putting any effort in stopping Finnen from ending him.

“Kiaran! No!” I fall to my knees next to them, and grab one of Finnen’s corded arms, fighting to wrestle it off my Wildman. “Please, stop. You’re killing him!”

Finnen’s teeth are bared and he’s panting. Fresh blood is dripping down the side of his face from the head wound and his cheeks are pale.

“Finn, dammit.” Taj bends and grabs Finnen, pulls and pulls until he hauls him off Kiaran. They both fall down, Taj on his ass, Finnen on top of him. “What the fuck, man?”

Finnen curses, elbows him and scrambles off him. “Fuck off.”

“But… what happened?” I whisper, still on my knees beside Kiaran who is coughing and rubbing at his throat. I run a hand over his bare chest and he grabs it, presses it against his racing heart. “Are you all right, Kia?”

He coughs some more but nods, his gaze moving from my face to Finn’s thunderous one. “I’m hard to kill.”

“Finn.” Taj is on his feet again and he has his arms folded over his chest. “What the fuck went down there? Did he try to hurt you? After he attacked me, I have to know, have to see if he’s a danger to us.”

Finn huffs, wipes the back of his hand over his mouth. “He tried to… to grope me,” he finally spits out the words, his cheekbones crimson.

“Grope?” I stare at him in incomprehension. “Grope what?”

An interesting silence spreads.

Sitting up, Kiaran makes a muffled sound that’s almost a snort.

And then Taj groans. “Oh, ho. He groped you? Groped your cock?” The army commander suddenly doubles over and produces a sound like a whine. “Holy gods.”

Concerned, I jump to my feet and touch his arm. “Taj? Oh, for…”

He’s laughing. Tears are streaming down his cheeks. He’s laughing so hard he can barely breathe. “He… He… groped him…”

“What’s so damn funny about that?” Finnen demands. “Just because you think you can go kissing me any time you like—”

“You kissed him again?” I turn back to Taj who is trying to catch his breath.

He wipes at his eyes. “Yeah, I did. That going to be a problem?”

“No, I…” Heat races through me at the mental image my mind helpfully provides—of the two of them in an embrace, hard mouths locked together, lust fueling them, their hard cocks—
