Page 66 of Unlikely Alphas

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“Are you referring to the Firebrand Brigade, my lady?” another soldier says. “That’s one of the elite troops and they indeed passed through here earlier today, heading to the capital. We’ve heard rumors they are hunting after some renegade military Fae-bloods. I’m sorry to hear about your mother’s passing.”

“Thank you, kind sir.” Ariadne looks away and I don’t think her sorrow is feigned. “I appreciate it.”

“So they have already left the town?” Taj asks. “Are you sure?”

“Yes, my lord.” The soldiers exchange glances. “They must be near the town of Tajen by now.”

“Thank you for your help,” Ariadne says.

“We’ll catch up.” I nudge the stallion around. “Come on, horse.”

“My beautiful lady,” the soldier says and steps toward me. “You’re bleeding. Your shoulder. Let me take a look. You shouldn’t be riding like that, we can help—”

“Fuck off,” I snarl and jab my heels into the horse’s sides. “Let’s go!”

Leaving some very confused soldiers behind, we turn south.



Kiaran wheels his huge horse about and starts down another street, strangely sexy and incongruous in that blue dress and the green cape on top, pale locks escaping the hood.

The soldier is still looking forlornly after him, and I almost laugh.

Poor soldier, falling for the blue-clad, blue-eyed lady who is in reality a muscular Wildman in disguise.

I turn my mare around and follow him, trusting him to lead us in the right direction. A girl on the street catches my eye as I nudge my horse to a faster walk, a blond girl who reminds me of Ismere.

My friend at the Fort Temple, who turned against me so easily.

I wonder what happened to her. I remember her, standing beside high priest Elegos as my fate played out, as I was accused and condemned. At the expression on her face.

It had looked like satisfaction, I think, but was it, really? Did I really not know her mind at all?

It’s hard to accept you’ve been so wrong, for so long.

But what if I’m imagining that look of pleasure on her face? What if she was, in fact, afraid? Panicked? My own perception was colored by shock and fear.

We canter through the streets, avoiding the procession, making for the southern gate of the town. Time is of the essence if we want to catch up with the Brigade, though how we’re meant to tackle them and rescue Finnen is another story. I hope Taj has a plan.

First of all, we need to get out of this town before anyone gets suspicious and stops us. I’m starting to think that Taj’s strategy of dressing Kiaran up is either genius or the mother of all bad ideas. I mean, that soldier was perhaps smitten—but Kiaran still looks like a Wildman in a dress. An alpha in an omega’s usual attire.

People are bound to take notice.

At least, he’s leading us through the streets at a fast pace, obviously sure of the direction. Can I feel the cardinal directions, too, or is it only an alpha thing?

Not something to try as you’re riding through a hostile town, but maybe later… I want to ask Taj more, later, about his claim that more Fae traits will appear as our bond strengthens.

I want to know all he knows, what to expect and what to prepare for.

My belly cramps and I bow over my mare’s back. Ow. At least it’s not as bad as it was a few days ago. Our night at the inn seems to have helped—though now I feel like I’m burning from the inside.

My heat is coming on.

Not now, I pray to whomever God or Goddess might be listening. I need to get Finnen back first, please. Not now…

The houses flit by, trees and iron-wrought gates, mules and carts and horses and people. My hood falls back and I grab it, pull it back over my face. Not that it matters. Nobody knows me. The whole point is to not get stopped, not get interrogated.

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