Page 31 of Plaything of His

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The bomb’s been dropped.

As I try to make sense of her words, I feel my heartpoundingin my chest. Delilah takes a sharp breath behind me, and I’m pretty certain that Callum does too.


“You have more children?”

My sister asks, and as soon as she does, our mother snaps all over again.

“Shut it, Delilah! Because of you, your brother has to work to make ends meet! We barely have anything to get by because of you!”

My head’s shaking before she’s even finished speaking.

What a fucking liar.

Callum moves closer, his face furious as he towers over Mum’s frame all over again.

“Don’t you fucking dare put this on her, Serena. You know damn well the money I’ve given you is enough for the three of you, two times over. I made sure neither you nor your son would struggle, and that money I’ve been paying you for the last fifteen years guaranteed it.”

Even though I want to get a hammer, break everything in this room and leave my mother with dust, I keep my cool. I take deep breaths in through my nose and out through my mouth, forcing my body to relax before I can speak again.

“If he’s been giving you all of this money, why the fuck am I killing myself each day by working as if we can’t afford anything?”

“We can’t afford anything, baby. I don’t have any money because I’m in a lot of debt and I owe a lot of people a lot of money. There’s barely anything left for us by the time I finish paying off my debts to people.”

Fucking typical.

“If you really owed a shit-ton of people money, you would have left this house and looked for a job. You’re a fucking liar and the only person you care about is yourself! How is it fair that I’ve been working foryearsnow when you’ve been handed all this money for no fucking reason?!”

My fingers are curled into fists and my breathing is erratic.

I feel Delilah move as she puts a hand on my back, trying to tug me away.

Knowing that Callum is seeing me act like that sets my entire body on fire. There’s no need to feel embarrassed but I can feel the shame physically crawling up my body.

How did things change so quickly?

“Get out of my fucking house! I can’t deal with this anymore–get out!”

Mum’s screaming now.

“Where will we go? Benjamin’s given the last of his paycheck to you, Mum. There’s nowhere for us to go.”

Delilah says quietly as Mum glares at her once again. I can feel my sister shrink into herself beside me.

“Become a whore if you need to–I don’t give a fuck! Just get out of my house!”

At that word,whore,I turn to look at Callum.

Callum doesn’t look too impressed, and I’m sure that I don’t either, but this isn’t good enough. She’s had all of this money for fifteen years and it’s only just coming out now.

Would she have even told us about this if it wasn’t for us seeing Callum tonight?

I know she wouldn’t have.

She’s too selfish to think about anyone other than herself.

“Yes, because being a whore earns us so much money, doesn’t it?”
