Page 55 of Plaything of His

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She thinks something is going on between us, and that’s why she’s making all this bullshit up.

“He’s not myanything,Serena. Stop with your bullshit.”

She’s not ready to hear it.

With some fight still left in her, she argues with me.

“He is! Well, he’s yours, or he’s Axel’s kid from that night we all spent together, and I chose you since you were the safest option to marry. I wasn’t allowed to be with my Benji after giving birth to him, and I was stupid for not telling you about him sooner whilst we were still married, but you and I already had Lyra–”

I snap when I hear my daughter’s name leave her mouth.

She has no right to mention Lyra’s name. Ever.

“Shut up, Serena. I don’t want to hear it.”

Almost in tears, she puts her hands around mine as she begins pleading with me.

“Please, Lucas, I need my children back. I don’t have anyone left–you know I don’t–let me be with my children.” As her hands tighten around mine and her face is now wet with tears, I almost pity her.Almost.But she opens her mouth once more, and ruins things again. “We can be a family again, Lucas. I’ll be a good wife to you, and I’ll be a good mother to our three children. Please, don’t turn me away.”

A good wife.

A good mother.

Our three children.

She must be losing her fucking mind.

Throwing her hand away from mine, I take a large step backwards.

“I. Don’t. Want. To. Hear. It. Get the fuck out of here, I mean it. If I ever see you here again, I will ruin you. You might have been disowned, but your parents and siblings are still breathing and living in this town, and so are their families. I will ruin them some more, and you’ll be the one to blame. Do you want them all to suffer the way you did? Do you want them to become a memory everyone forgets about? Do you want that for them?”

Serena curls her lip between her teeth as a small dip appears between her eyebrows. The tears roll down her face but I don’t care for it.

I feel absolutely nothing for her.

“My children, please let me see them.”

She begs one final time.

It makes no difference, because I’ve had enough of her. I should have turned her away as soon as I opened the door and saw her standing outside my home, as though she still belonged here in our town.

“My children want nothing to do with you. My daughters are happy here, and I’ll give them the best life I can. You are nothing but a vessel I used to carry my children. Now, unless you want to be dragged out from this town and be the reason why your entire family is abandoned in this town, I suggest you get the fuck out of here.”

Her eyes dart between mine as a sob escapes her. When she sees whatever it is that she’s looking for, she wipes her face with the back of her hands and opens the door, leaving my home.

Leaving once more.

The only difference is that last time, I wanted her back, and this time, I hope she’ll never return.

If she ever does, she’ll know just how ruthless I can be.

Locking the door behind her, I turn around and begin walking back to Benjamin and Delilah.

She’s a liar.

She’s a fucking manipulative liar, and I don’t believe her lies one bit.

If it was true, surely I would have known. Her parents wouldn’t have kept this a secret if it was true–they would know better than to do that.
