Page 104 of Broken Crown

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Drawing in a deep breath, I make my way toward him and sit in the chair beside his bed, the rising sun casting a subtle glow in the room.It’s a reminder that it’s always darkest before dawn.Now that the sun is rising, everything will be okay.

As I take Creed’s hand in mine, savoring in the warmth of his flesh, I know it will be.

“Always,” I murmur, brushing a soft kiss to his knuckles.

His eyelids flutter, as if he’s trying to open them, his lips parting slightly.

“Always,” he repeats in a barely audible voice before the drugs pull him back under.



The sidewalks leadingup to the palace swarm with reporters and photographers as General Hudson navigates the SUV past the front gates.He typically doesn’t take on guard duty himself, but after last night’s events, he wanted to allow everyone who needed time off to take it, considering we lost two guard members, and two more are currently in the hospital, having survived life-threatening injuries.

Unfortunately, I’m not allowed the same luxury, as much as I’d love nothing more than to crawl into my bed and sleep for the next week.

But I don’t exactly have a bed to go home to.I don’t have ahometo go to, considering it’s now a crime scene.Even once the police have concluded collecting all the evidence, I doubt I’ll want to go back to that place, not after everything I endured there.

For now, I plan to stay with Anderson, although last night I slept at the hospital, refusing to leave Creed’s side until my brother had to physically pull me away in order to get ready for today’s press conference.

“Your Highness,” Oliver, the head butler, greets as he opens my door, offering his hand to help me down from the car.“Your brother and father are in his office if you’d like to join them.”He leads me into the foyer, the scene reminiscent of the last time I was here for a huge press conference when my father officially announced Anderson’s engagement to Nora.

This is a completely different type of press conference, though.One that could result in the monarchy becoming a thing of the past.

Maybe that’s okay.

Maybe we’ve all been holding onto antiquated customs and traditions for far too long.

“Actually, I’d like to visit the memorial gardens first since the press conference isn’t slated to start for an hour.”

Oliver slows his steps, flashing me an understanding look.“Of course, ma’am.”He bypasses the grand staircase, escorting me toward a pair of double doors leading to the famous Lamberside Palace gardens.

Normally, there would be heaps of tourists milling around, taking photos of all the flowers and fountains, particularly at this time of year.

But as a result of last night’s events, the palace is currently closed to all tourists, allowing me a chance to enjoy the grounds in peace.

“I’ll come get you when it’s time,” Oliver tells me as I’m about to step off the rear verandah.

“Thank you, Oliver.”

He nods.“Ma’am.”

I close my eyes and tilt my head back, savoring in the feel of the sunshine warming my face, birds chirping a happy melody nearby.Twelve hours ago, I didn’t think I’d ever feel the sun on my skin again.

But I’m alive.

Thanks to Creed.

I meander through the grounds, enjoying the peace and quiet as I make my way toward the reflecting pool at the far end of the garden, a memorial to my uncle, aunt, and cousins.Considering the palace is closed, I don’t expect to see anyone here.

But as I approach, I spy a familiar figure sitting on a bench.Her attention is focused on the peaceful ripples in the water as tears stream down her face, her typically hardened expression filled with emotion.She barely resembles the severe woman I’ve known all my life.

Yesterday, I’d questioned if my grandmother knew what my grandfather had done.While we may have never gotten along all that well, I seriously doubted she’d be okay with any of his actions, even if it was to protect the monarchy, as Silas claimed.

As I watch her today, it’s more than apparent this news is as much of a shock to her as it was to me.

Probably more so.
