Page 4 of Broken Crown

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The instant the SUV comes to a stop, a man in the standard butler uniform of a red jacket and dark pants opens my door and bows.

“Your Highness.”Oliver, the head butler, extends his arm, helping me out of the car.“This way, please.His Majesty is expecting you.”

I draw in a deep breath to suppress the nervous butterflies swimming in my stomach, sending up one more prayer that this has nothing to do with Creed.

While it wouldn’t be the end of the world for me if someone learned about us, completing his military service is important to Creed.The one thing I’ve learned about Creed Lawson is that he’s a proud and honorable man.If he’s going to walk away from his career to be with me, he needs to do so with honor.

Something that won’t be possible if anyone learned we were together last night.

And in New York.

The corridors are distressingly quiet as I follow Oliver toward my father’s personal residence, although there’s nothing personal about my surroundings, even in the residential wing.It’s maintained with the same precision as the rest of the palace, everything more akin to a museum than a home.

I felt this way when I first moved here after my grandfather’s death.

I still feel the same way now.

“He’s in his study.You may go ahead.”

I give Oliver a small smile, then continue down the long corridor, pausing outside a set of ornate double wooden doors before knocking.

“Come in.”My father’s deep voice reverberates into the hallway.

I hesitate, analyzing his tone for anything that might give me a clue as to my reason for being here.

As always, it’s impassive.

Smoothing a hand down my dress, I open the door and slip inside his study.

“Your Majesty,” I greet with a slight curtsy.

Standing from the couch, he offers me the same respect and gives me a subtle bow of his head.Then he walks toward me and wraps me in a hug, pressing a soft kiss to my cheek.

“How are you, Esme?”

“I’m well.”I force a nervous smile, praying he can’t pick up on my anxiety.

Or my guilt.


A protracted silence passes as he gazes at me, a flicker of something in his blue eyes I can’t quite explain.Then he clears his throat, dropping his hold on me.

“You’re probably wondering why I asked you here, especially on a Saturday.”

“The thought has crossed my mind.”

“Unfortunately, something was brought to my attention last night.Something that pertains to you.”He makes his way to the couch and sits on one end, gesturing for me to join him.

I hold my head high as I walk on shaky legs toward him and lower myself onto the opposite end, keeping my spine straight, my legs crossed at the ankles as I angle them toward him.

“And what’s that?”

“It’s Callie Sloane.”

I briefly close my eyes, but mask any hint of the overwhelming relief filling me that this has nothing to do with Creed.

“What about Callie Sloane?”
