Page 102 of The Savage King

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That’s all we need.

Nate pulls out a black jacket for me and a pair of boots. I tug them on as Mack and Nate study the surroundings. I know it, so I let them get as much information visually before we make our move.

There are lights on in the property, but that doesn’t mean Isabelle is still there.

“How many cartel members do you think are in there?” Mack asks as I zip up the jacket.

“Between four and eight,” I answer, slipping a gas mask onto my head.

Nate holds up the canister. “Sure, you don’t want to do the honors?”

I shake my head. “No. You lead. I’ll be behind you as planned and get Isabelle. I know the layout.”

He gives me a knowing look.

“She knows me better, Deck,” Mack says, pulling his own mask on. “Does she trust you? Let me grab her.”


I stare at him, thinking.

I have to do what’s right for her. For all I know, she might fucking hate me. She might be terrified of me.

After all, I’m responsible for bringing her to Mexico.

Mack is someone she’s had in her life because of Mia over the last few months. She does trust him.

Can you forgive me?

Isabelle never answered me before Scarface and the other assholes took her. But I saw the look in her eyes. The disappointment.

I shake my head.

“No. She’s mine to protect. This time I will do it right,” I say. I need to show her I can. I need to fulfill the promise to return her home.

And I will.

This time, I fucking will.

I ignore the looks of concern on Mack and Nathan's faces and lift the rifle over my bulky chest.

“Let’s go.”


IT TAKES US no morethan five minutes to confirm that all but one of the cartel members is inside the house. No doubt smoking weed and watching cheap watching porn.


The guy outside collapses as my bullet speeds through the flesh and bone of his forehead.

With zero delay, Nate tosses the canister through the glass window, and we lower our masks and crouch as it explodes.

Mack leaps up and kicks in the door with his robust boot. Nate and I follow, all of us screaming for them toget downin Spanish.

From what I can see, a quick inventory tells me I was right about the small number of men. The smoke is thick and unmoving.

“I’ve got five bodies,” Mack says into his comms, confirming it.
