Page 104 of The Savage King

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I leap up against the headboard, my eyes flying open. I wasn’t exactly asleep. More in a catatonic state, I guess.

Is it Decker?

I don’t want to hope, but I can’t help it as gunfire and screams erupt outside my room.

“Oh, god,” I whimper and crawl into the corner of the bed to tuck my legs up and cover my head. What if it isn’t him? What if it’s just another group of bad guys?

I understand now I’m a valuable asset and anything could happen with the vast number of criminals and gangs in Mexico.

I’m beyond crying now. I’m terrified and unable to think clearly.

The door bangs open, slamming against the wall. I lift my head and scream at the image before me. A gigantic man with a mask on, smoke billowing behind him. He has a gun in his arms, pointing around the room.

I begin to cough as the smoke hits me.

“Isabelle!” The man rushes to me, and while his voice is weird through the mask, I recognize his body. Those broad shoulders, his strong, powerful arms. How could I not know them? He’s held me in them enough times in the past week.

I zero in on him and let out a cry, coughing, as he scoops me up in his arms, crying my name.


He came for me.

I cling to him, pressing my face into his hard chest. I’m honestly not sure if I’m safe. He’s told me enough times I’m not until we return to the United States, but the relief flowing through me as he runs through the house with me in his arms is enormous.

I don’t look at anything. I cling to him like my life relies on it.

It does.

“Go, go, go.” Another voice I recognize but can’t place yells. Then I hear a car door and Decker places me roughly in the vehicle. I try to scramble across the seat, but he pushes me over and climbs in.

“Go!” he yells.

More doors close, and I see two large, black-clad bodies in the front. I don’t know who they are, but I’m out of that room. I’m away from those men.

And then, as the car speeds away into the dark of the night, Decker pulls me to him and I’m in his arms.
