Page 103 of The Bratva's Bride

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I wanted to wait until Nikolai was back so he'd be by my side for support when I would end my father's life support. However, I couldn't wait when I received word about Lady Qing trying to move everything she could and pull what strings she had left. She got desperate, and I had to stop her before she made too big of a mess.

I’d already lost a quarter of triad territory because of her, and if I didn’t act when I did then it would have been over half the territory. I’d deal with everything later once I let Nikolai know about the merge.

It just sucked that I would dump this all onto him right after saving his ass.‘Hey love, great to see you alive, oh here’s another quarter of the city for you to rule, good luck!’Granted I would help him somewhat, it would just be a dick move to just dump and bail.

“Well, it’s nearing the time. Let’s regroup one last time before we head out.” Hanna suggested with a few pats of my shoulder.

Well, guess I had no choice in the matter because Bao called for me as well. “Angel! Your husband’s for sale!” Well, those were words I’d never thought I’d hear in my life.

With a sigh, I left the office with Hanna and went back to the living room where everyone gathered around. “Bao, I’m really hoping that I misheard you very badly.” Honestly, half my mind was barely present, so maybe, just maybe.

Pushing his glasses up, Bao turned his laptop around, showing me the screen. It was messed up. The screen displayed what looked like a shopping catalog, only instead of actual items of clothing or physical goods, it was humans with Nikolai right at the very top.

“Sneak peek of tonight’s goods.” I read the title of the page with a disgusted scowl.

Nikolai looked scuffed up, disheveled, his clothing untucked and visibly dirty. At least he was still dressed unlike the other people who were displayed in nothing but their underwear or torn clothing that did little to nothing to hide their body.

“If they’re going to put him in the auction then that means he’s going to be moved from the warehouse he’s being kept at.” I noted out loud, chewing my bottom lip softly as I pulled my phone out from Hanna’s back pocket.

Pulling the tracking app back up, I watched the moving red dot. “They’re moving him already.” I said while showing everyone my phone.

“What are you thinking?” Hanna asked with a quizzical look. “You have that look on your face, so spit it out.” She knew me too well.

“Slight change of plans.” Was it a stupid change? Maybe, but I might as well make my fucking name known if I can’t escape the mafia life. “The teams will remain the same save for one change. I won’t be heading Team Alpha, Benjamin will.”

Everyone looked at me with wide eyes, probably wondering if I stroked out. “I’m going in. I want and need to lay my own eyes on Kolya myself. I’m going to stir up some shit as well. It’s time that my dear ol’ stepmother knows clearly that she has lost. Also, I think it’s about time everyone knows who’s the new head in charge.” And that I am not one to be fucked with.

Looking over at Hanna with a smirk, “Hanna, call our boys and tell them to grab Lady Qing’s children before they meet up with us at The Catacombs.”

“What are you going to do with them?” Hanna gave me a wary look as she pulled out her phone to do what I told her.

“Leverage. At least she somewhat cares about her pathetic kids, especially her damn son. I just need them to ensure she complies with me.” I had no beef with my step siblings, at the moment. We left each other alone for the most part, avoiding each other unless necessary, and we acted mostly civil towards each other.

It was just Lady Qing I had bones to pick with today. I disliked my step siblings because they were insufferable, but they were raised by a monster of a mother. So, I couldn’t hold it against them... Much.

“I’m not going to hurt them, I’m not that much of a psychopath.” At least tonight I wouldn’t unless they interfered with my plans.

“Bao, can you hack their network and falsify an entry for me?” Yes, I planned on waltzing right in. No one there should recognize me. From the roster Bao pulled up, all the guards who worked the event were new and wouldn’t know me unless Lady Qing had put out a bulletin on me, which she didn’t because she was too arrogant for her own good.

“Yeah, child’s play.” Bao replied, turning his laptop back around and typing away at it.

“Are you sure this is a good idea? Someone could easily make you and that would just be messy.” Stepan spoke up with a concerned voice.

“No one will make me, and I’m not just saying that because I’m being a cocky bitch but because it’s true. No one there knows me well enough to blow things up besides Lady Qing. To others, I am just the head’s little princess, the clueless and harmless little princess.” My father kept me hidden enough so I flew under everyone’s radar.

No one, not even my stepmother, knew the extent of the damage I could inflict. They only see and know the act I put up because that’s what I wanted. I wanted them all to underestimate me. If people didn’t see me as a threat then they’d drop their guard enough for me to strike when the moment was right.

“I don’t like it, but I have a feeling you weren’t making a suggestion.” At least Stepan knew when to throw in the towel.

“Stepan, can you, Greg, and Arseny do one last check to make sure everything is accounted for? I’m going to change into something more appropriate.” Barging in wearing full tactical gear to a formal event was probably a bad way to draw attention to myself.

Stepan nodded in response with a soft hum. “We’ll handle it, go get ready.” Stepan replied with a half convinced smile.

After rushing upstairs, I stripped myself of my tactical gear and threw on a navy blue evening gown with a sweetheart neckline, ruching around the waist with a drop down length that ended at my feet, and the high slit ran up to my mid-thigh did little to hide the garter belt that wrapped around my leg. My gun remained strapped to the right side with a thigh holster, and the left hid a knife on my inner thigh.

The last weapon lay hidden in my bun. The golden hairpin kept my silky locks up in a bun with the ends of my hair falling naturally down the length of my back. A gift from my father that I’ve never felt the need to use. The golden hairpin was carefully crafted to hide a switchblade in it at my father's request when he commissioned it.

It was a lovely gift, and I really did love and appreciate it. Just a shame I have little to no use for it. I couldn’t use it every day at work. Carrying around an expensive hairpin that patients could easily rip out and turn against me wasn’t ideal. I couldn’t use it out on assignments either because it could easily be tracked back to me. So, the pin had been sitting in its box collecting dust.
