Page 28 of Illyria

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I never complained. In fact, I embraced my life and made the best of it. Now, I was in the middle of it all. The new owner of one of the most exclusive clubs in the city that not only catered to the uber rich but to the heads of the underworld. Men who controlled the city. Men who didn’t think twice about ending lives to gain prestige, honor or respect.

Those men never learned that they couldn’t gain those things at the end of a gun. The only thing they instilled was fear. One had to earn things like honor and respect. And none of them, not even my family, earned what they had. They only had respect because of the blood on their hands.

This life wasn’t for everyone.

Only the strong survived.

I filtered and maneuvered my way through it all to be standing where I was right now. I knew the game. I played it well and now I was in the game.


Turning, I smiled at the young and beautiful woman who looked so much like her mother. The only child of Mrs. Rushton, Clara Rushton, was a sweet girl. So caring and innocent of the world. “Good morning, Clara. How did you sleep?”

“Good. This place is unreal. It’s like a mansion here.”

I chuckled. “Well, it’s home for the time being. Do you have everything you need?”

“Oh yes. Momma thought of everything. Did you get any sleep last night?”

“A few hours.” I smiled as she came to stand beside me.

“Illyria, are you sure about all this?”

“No,” I sighed, shaking my head. “No, I’m not.”

“We can leave, Illyria. No one ever needs to know. If you are unsure, then let’s just pack everything back up and get the hell out of here. We can disappear and no one will be the wiser.”

“It’s too late for that now. He knows I’m here. He’s out there watching. Besides, I couldn’t leave now, even if I wanted to. The game is now in play.”

“Maybe this isn’t a game you should play.”

“The second I stepped foot back in this city, I knew I wouldn’t be able to leave.”

Clara sighed, looking out over the city. “Then play to win, Illyria.”

The club was empty as I stood in front of a mirror, trying to calm my nerves. Tonight, was the first meeting of the family heads and the first time I would sit at the table.

To say that I was nervous was an understatement.

Tonight, the game changed for me.

Tonight, I would have a voice.

“You look beautiful.”

Turning, I smiled as I spotted my brother Salvatore leaning against the door.

“You’re biased.”

Shaking his head, he pushed off the door and walked over to me, gathering me in his arms. Out of all my brothers, I loved Sal the most. I knew I shouldn’t have a favorite, but there was something about the big, overbearing oaf that called to me deeply. He was my confidant, my biggest supporter, and the one who knew me best.

“I never wanted this life for you, baby.”

“I was born into this life, Sal. I know no other way.”

“Still, it isn’t right. I should have protected you better.”

Hugging him tight, I whispered, “You protected me just fine.”
