Page 43 of Illyria

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“No. The only other Irish relative I had was Dwayne, but he died at the Golden Wedding along with my brother Luciano.”

Sypher sighed, then murmured, “I remember.”

“I’m sorry Sypher. I know you liked Dwayne.”

“Massacre was funny. He never treated me like a kid.” The kid whispered, then sniffed. “Look, Ms. Illyria. A lot of these files are dead ends. Men and women who have died over the years. There is no beginning date on this Irish Ghost. No picture to identify the person. Nothing to indicate if the person is male or female. Nothing. The only thing in the file is two city names.”

“What cities?”

“The first is St. Petersburg, Russia, and the other is a small village in County Galway, Ireland.”

I gasped as a long-forgotten memory popped into my head.

I was barely four, maybe five. I was crying, hiding in my closet because dad wouldn’t let me go with my brothers. He never did. Dwayne found me. He knew all my hiding spots. Sitting next to me, he picked me up and cradled me in his arms as he started singing to me.

“My Galway Girl.”

“What was that?”

“Nothing. The village in Ireland is called Roundstone, right?”

“Uh... yeah it is. Have you heard of it?”

“Yes, I have,” I quickly said, before adding, “Thank you, Sypher. I need to check on something. I will call you back later.”

Hanging up the phone before he could ask me another question, I called Giovanni again. When his phone went straight to voicemail again, I tried Layla. There was more than one way to get ahold of my older brother and I was not above circumventing the system.

“Jesus, Illyria,” Layla huffed angrily, out of breath. “We are busy.”

Yeah, I knew what that meant.

Quickly shivering, removing that thought from my memory, as I impatiently replied, “You can make me a niece or nephew later. I need to speak with Gio. It’s important.”

“Fine. Hold on.”

A few minutes later, my brother groaned, “If you weren’t my favorite sister.”

“I’m your only sister. Look Gio, I’m sorry for calling like this, but I need to ask you something about Uncle Colin. I was young when he and Aunt Daniella divorced. So, I don’t remember much.”

“What about him?”

“Uncle Colin was from Roundstone, Galway County, Ireland, right?”

“Yes. Why are you asking?”

“I remember a song Dwayne used to sing to me. Something about a Galway Girl. Do you know it?”

Gio chuckled. “God, I can’t believe you remembered that. You were so little. Dwayne would sing you that song when you were upset. It calmed you down every time. He called you, his little Galway Girl,” Gio chuckled. “What brought this about? It’s been years,Cara.”

“It’s not important. Well, I hope not. Something Sypher told me just got me curious, that’s all.”

“Since I have you, I got the letter from the families in Italy. I want you to know that you are my sister and they can go fuck themselves. If you need me. I expect you to call.”

Grinning, I nodded. “Why Giovanni, I think Layla is rubbing off on you. What a mouth you have.”

“I mean it,Cara Mia. Screw the families. You, Sal, Lorenzo and Antonio are all I have left. I won’t lose another sibling.”

“Thank you, Giovanni. I never had any doubt. Now, I must get going. I have a fundraiser to attend and you need to make me a niece. Love my nephews, but I want a niece. You need a daughter to drive you crazy.”
