Page 57 of Illyria

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“It’s been a week already.”

Vladmir said nothing more.

What could he say? He knew the longer she was out there, the easier it would be for Petrovitch to find her. I wasn’t the only one with a long reach. It was now a race to find the elusive woman.

An hour later, the car pulled into the underground garage of Stone House. Exiting the car, Mercy and Malice greeted me. Both men looked tired but rested. After shaking hands, I followed them into my friend’s house.

“Good evening, Maxim,” Mrs. Alice, Montana’s longtime housekeeper, greeted me with a smile. Bending down, I kissed the lovely woman on the cheek. “Mrs. Alice, you look lovelier every time I see you. Thank you for having me in your home.”

Mrs. Alice was an institution in the city. Everyone knew who she was. Respected and loved dearly by all that met her, she and her ancestors before, devoted their lives to Stone House. When Montana’s parents so-called retired from life, they passed down Stone House to Montana. As my friend put it... Mrs. Alice came with the house.

“You are most welcome. Montana is waiting for you in his office. You know the way. I will bring in refreshments shortly.”

“Thank you.”

“This way, Maxim.”

Following Mercy deeper into the house, I found Montana in his office sitting behind his desk going over paperwork. Turning, I looked at Vladmir and said, “Play nice with the bikers.”

My second groaned but nodded.

Closing the office door behind me, I removed my coat, hanging it on the coat rack near the door, before taking a seat on the leather couch.

“Got a coded message last night,” Montana said, getting right to the point.

“And how is our mole?”

“He thinks he has a lead on Illyria.”

Sitting up, I growled, “Where?”

“He didn’t say. Said he will send more if it pans out.”

Jumping to my feet, I roared vehemently. “I’m going to kill him myself with my bare hands. I’m going to rip his head off and piss down his windpipe. I’m going to shove his dick so far up his ass he can suck his own dick! I’m going to pull his arms from their sockets and beat him to death with them.”

Montana grinned, sitting back in his leather winged back chair. “Geez, Max, tell me how you really feel about him?”

“Does he know the danger she is in? Does he fucking care?!”

“I think out of all of us, he knows the most. He’s been with Petrovitch these last two years. He knows what the fucker is capable of. Hell, we all saw what the son of a bitch did to my Tess, and she was only with him for nine hours. Trust me, we all want to find Illyria. None, more so than our mole.”

Plopping back down on the sofa, I sat forward, holding my head in my hands. “I don’t know how to handle this. I’ve lived my whole life not getting attached to anyone and then she falls into my lap and everything changes. I’m not good with feeling shit. I never have been. Feelings make people do stupid things. I’m not thinking clearly. All I see when I close my eyes is her face in pain, hurt, begging me to save her.”

“She’s running, Maxim. Hell, my Tessa did the same thing when she learned the truth. You don’t think Illyria figured out what we’ve been doing, do you? And that’s why she took a runner?”

“No. There’s no way. Only you and I know the truth.”

“Well, something made her run. Help me out here,Max. What would cause Illyria Valentinetti to drop everything and disappear into thin air? We figure that out, then we’ll know how to find her. She had everything she needed here. We gave it all to her. She was protected. Safe. The only thing that makes sense is that she learned something and started questioning everything.”

I shook my head. “She didn’t learn anything from me. I was careful. If you are right and she’s searching, then we better figure out what it is she’s looking for fast, because if I know Illyria like I think I do, then we’re in trouble. That woman will leave no stone unturned until she’s satisfied with her results.”

Montana sighed, leaning back in his chair. “I know. She’s like a dog with a bone.”

I chuckled at that as someone knocked on the door.

Looking up, we both watched as Mrs. Alice brought in a try laden down with food. Placing it on the side table near the wall, she turned and said, “Use plates. I just cleaned this room yesterday.”

“Yes, ma’am,” the both of us said quickly.
