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Ileave my apartment when the city is asleep. The only people awake are the tavern owners and the club owners in the Red District.

The night sky is an inky black, and I, wearing my darkest set of clothing, meld right into it.

My parents visited for dinner the week after my meal at their house, which was infuriating to say the least because they spent most of the first course questioning me about my relationship with Kaisax.

“We’ve never liked to see you two fight,” my mother said in a crooning voice. “You know how this upsets us.”

I ignored them for the most part, but after the second course, I couldn’t take their presence in my space any longer.

“I think it’s time for you to leave,” I told them, and the warning in my voice was clear.

Now I head for Lowtown. Because the truth is, in my head, I have abandoned my apartment and my parents and especially my brother.

In my head, I am with Brielle all the time.

She is mine after all.

Brielle. Brielle. Brielle.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

I shudder with pleasure as her name rolls through my head. I need to see her. I need to see this beautiful, fragile, human thing I own.

This thing I have made mine.

Lowtown is quiet, although the factories and mills churn and pump on in the distance. I know that there are some humans who work right through the night, but the streets of Lowtown are quiet.

It is almost too easy to slip into Brielle’s little house and head for her bedroom. I frown at the thought that just anyone could get in here.

Like Kaisax, for example.

You’ll have to fortify her security. Otherwise, your brother can waltz in here at any time.

I know that what I am doing – sneaking into Brielle’s room to just be close to her – is a great risk.

I know that this could put her life in danger. I am quite sure that none of her human neighbors will be too thrilled that one of their people is being fucked by a dark elf.

But I need to be close to her.

She is mine. And I want to admire what is mine. All the time.

It has been fifteen days since the first time I left a gift, the necklace, in the forest clearing for Brielle to find.

It has been fifteen days since the first time she became aware of my presence. It has been fifteen days since she put the jewelry on.


I come back every night after the first night that I crept into Brielle’s room.

Tonight will be the fifth night that I leave my apartment in darkness to visit Lowtown. Thankfully, no one decided to show up for our family dinner tonight.

I realize, as I make my way through the dark streets of Pyrthos, that I didn’t eat anything today.
