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“Brielle, if it wasn’t already obvious… I’m in love with you. Completely. This goes beyond obsession. Yes, I’m obsessed with you, but I also love you. You’re a beautiful woman, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. You make me feel things that no one ever has, and no one ever will. I will do anything for you, anything to protect you. But I will not be separated from you. Do you hear me?”

Before I can speak, he continues. “If you want a little space, then you can have it. But you’re still going to live with me. You’re still going to be mine. I simply cannot deny myself this any longer. I cannot go without you, I refuse.”

When I don’t say anything, he caresses my face, an odd expression coming over his face.

“I love you,” he whispers.

It’s the most vulnerable I’ve ever seen him be. It’s an odd thing, seeing him like this, when he’s normally so tough and stoic. I can’t say I hate it, though. In fact, it makes me feel special that only I bring out this side in him.

I give him another shy smile and inch closer.

His mouth slowly spreads into a grin, and it’s the biggest smile I’ve ever seen him wear. I’m fascinated by this smile, and I can’t stop staring at his mouth. Gods, I need to feel that mouth all over me.

Thali’s expression changes, and the energy between us shifts.

“Brielle…” he whispers.

The look in his eyes sends shivers down my spine. He feels it too, the change. He knows how badly I want him, how badly I need him right now.

How can I want him this badly after what I just went through? What does this say about me? Do I even care?

No, I don’t. I truly don’t care anymore. I’ve accepted what it means to love this man, what it makes me. And I’m okay with it.

“I don’t want space,” I whisper.

“Good,” he growls. “Because I wasn’t going to give it to you anyways.”

I gasp, and he grabs my face with both hands and brings his lips to mine. The kiss feels different, it feels more intense than the others we’ve shared.

His tongue swipes at my bottom lip, asking a silent question. I answer by opening my mouth to him, and his tongue darts in, tasting everything it can touch.

My hands find their way into his soft, silky hair. Gods, I could touch this hair all day.Maybe he will let me braid it.I start giggling at the thought, and Thali pulls away, visibly angry. I can’t help but think he’s sexy when he’s angry.

“I’m kissing you, thinking about all the ways I’d like to fuck you, and you’re giggling?”

His serious face only makes me giggle more, but he’s not having it. He grabs my jaw in one hand and squeezes, forcing it open. My eyes widen as he spits in my mouth before letting go.


I do as he says, eyes still wide, and I don’t dare look away from him.

“You will not disrespect me,” he says before smashing his lips back on mine.

This time, I’m breathless within an instant. He’s kissing me so fiercely, it almost scares me. My heart is beating so fast it feels like it might explode. Despite this, my lips match his every movement, and my tongue works in tandem with his own.

Only when my lungs are completely out of air does he pull away, eyes blazing as he stares me down before moving. He walks in slow circles around me, surveying my body like I’m a piece of meat. To him, I guess I am.

“Do you understand your place in my life?”

I nod.

“Speak out loud. I need to hear you say the words.”

“Yes, sir. I understand my place in your life.”

He smirks.

“A quick learner. I like that.”
