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“Was this area already searched?” a different male asks.

“I don’t care, search it anyways, and then search it again. If Thali wants us to find her, then we have to find her.”

Thali… wasn’t that what Brielle called her dark elf? Why would he have them out here searching for someone? He already found Brielle… oh gods. Ohgods. They’re looking for me, they have to be.

Brielle must have told Thali that I was the one who betrayed her, and now they’re going to kill me for it. I don’t blame her. It’s what I deserve.

I peek out from behind the wreckage I’ve been hiding under, trying to spot a way out of here. The air is thick with smoke, and I see two dark elves not too far from where I am, searching for me.

I turn and look the other way, opposite them. There’s an abandoned house that’s still in good condition considering everything. If I can get there, maybe I can find a space to hide inside where no one would think to look. I just have to make it over there alive.

As slowly and quietly as possible, I inch my way out from the pile I was under, staying low to the ground. Both of the dark elves are bent over, looking away from me. I take the opportunity to run behind what appears to be half of a wall. I have no idea what this used to be.

Looking out from behind the wall, I check to see if either of them heard or saw me. I sigh with relief upon seeing them both still turned away from me. But my relief is soon replaced by terror as I look down and realize that one of my coworkers from the factory is lying dead behind the same half wall that I chose to hide behind.

“Fuck,” I gasp and quickly cover my mouth with my hand.

Tears immediately start falling from my eyes. The dead girl's name is Cassandra. She had a husband and two sons. She had a fucking family, and now she’s dead. Because of me. Me.

I can’t take it anymore, being out here, exposed. I need to find somewhere to hole up and cry. And maybe never come out. Why do I get to live when I’m the reason these people didn’t?

I peek over the wall again. The two dark elves are discussing something, turned slightly away from me, but I’m still in their line of sight. I’ll have to stay really low.

I drop to the ground and crawl to the next thing I can hide behind, then the next. Finally, I’m right in front of the abandoned house. All I have to do is sneak into one of the doors or windows without being seen.

I take a few shaky breaths and make a run for the side door of the house. If I’m caught, then maybe that’s what I deserve. Maybe I’ll just have to accept that fate.

Lucky for me, the door is not locked, and I get in easily. Once inside, I immediately drop to the floor. The windows have no curtains, and someone could still see me.

I try to hold myself together just a little bit longer as I crawl through the house. It’s definitely been abandoned for a while and hasn’t been updated for even longer, so the floorboards creak with every move I make. I wince at each sound I hear.

I can still hear the dark elves hunting for me, and as I crawl into the kitchen, I quickly shove myself into a cupboard. This will have to do for now.

Finally alone, I let myself fall apart. I begin sobbing uncontrollably, clutching at my chest as I gasp for each breath. The tightness of the cupboard doesn’t help the situation.

“What did I do? What did I do?” I mutter between sobs.

At this point, I don’t even care if someone hears me.

I stay there like that for what feels like hours, and by the time I’ve worked up the nerve to leave, it’s completely silent outside. I haven’t even heard a single sound for at least an hour.

Slowly, I ease myself out of the cupboard, and my joints hurt so badly as I unfold myself and stand up. I know I need to sleep, desperately, but first I need to get far, far away from here.

A glance outside confirms my suspicions – it’s the middle of the night. I see no one out there, and after a couple of minutes, I convince myself that it’s safe to leave.

As soon as I step outside, I realize that I haven’t thought about where I’m going to go. I have nowhere. I have nothing and no one.

Closing my eyes, I force myself to breathe in and out. I can’t think like this, I need to just get out of here and figure out the rest later. I glance around one last time before leaving the side of the house.

But as soon as I turn the corner near the back of the house, I scream, and all I can think is that I should have just stayed in that cupboard. Declan is strung up from a tree behind the house, hanging upside down. I’m about to scream again when a hand quickly covers my mouth from behind and jerks me around.

My eyes widen as I see who grabbed me. All of my instincts scream at me to run from the smirking face in front of me. The devastatingly beautiful face of a dark elf.

