Page 119 of Bloodstained Wings

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I nod, but the tears are still burning the back of my eyes. “I know.”

Because as much as I want to protect and give us time to process everything, I can’t let these secrets fester between us. They’ve done too much damage already.

I clear my throat. “Do you have any idea who betrayed the Blackthornes? Carter won’t tell me what happened at the docks.”

Sam shakes her head. “Tristan won’t tell me either, but it must be serious.”

“They should go to Donahue for help,” I murmur, pausing to push my hair out of my face. Although I haven’t seen him since he rescued me from being trafficked, Rich has been on my mind. Now and again, I wonder if he’s had any luck finding his sister, and I feel the urge to reach out to him and make sure he’s okay.

But I know it’s going to do more harm than good. Carter is too jealous of Rich for us to ever be friends. The mere mention of his name sends Carter into a dark place, and I know it’s the last thing he needs.

Still, I wish I could talk to someone who understood, who isn’t going to judge or try to point me in one direction or the other.

Sam is trying, but no amount of effort is going to change the fact that she can’t relate.

Sam’s phone rings, and she fishes it out of her pocket. “I should get going. Are you going to be okay?”

I nod and give her a small smile. “I’m going to unpack the rest of the bag and take a bath.”

“Maybe work on some of the designs as well. You haven’t done that in a while.” Sam puts her phone away and gives me a pointed look. “I’m here if you need me.”

Without waiting for a response, Sam spins around and exits the room. When she’s gone, I finish unpacking the rest of the bag and reach for the music box. I run my fingers over the edge, slowly, delicately, as if it’s the most precious thing in the world. Then I set it down in the middle of the dresser and wind up the tiny ballerina.

I hum along to the music as I strip out my clothes.

In the bath, I submerge my body beneath the bubbles and listen to the sound of running water. When I turn it off, I’m plunged into silence and left at the mercy of my thoughts. Rolling my shoulders, I drape my arms on either side of me and frown. I have my head tilted back, and I’m singing to myself when Carter comes in, wearing a grim expression.

Without changing out of his clothes, he gets into the bathtub with me, causing some of the water to slosh over. He stretches his legs out on either side of me and presses me to him. His clothes are dirty and smell like sweat, but I don’t mind, especially when he wraps his arms around me and presses a kiss to the back of my head.

Carter is usually never this sweet or tender. Not that he doesn’t have his moments, but they are too few and far between for my liking.

Since discovering this side of him, I have tried to bring more and more of it to the surface.

I twist an arm over my head and wind my fingers through his hair. “What happened? Are you okay?”

Carter nods and releases a deep breath. “We haven’t been able to have the bad press completely killed.”

“Didn’t you say that your lawyer is taking care of it?”

“Mitch has his work cut out for him,” Carter replies in a strange voice. “There’s a lot of shit happening. But he’s good. I know he’ll come through. I just hope it isn’t too late.”

I twist to face Carter, but he pushes my head forward. “Don’t shut me out, Carter. We talked about this.”

Carter runs his hands over my bare skin. “I know, but there isn’t much to say, dove. War is a necessary evil, but it’s still one I try to avoid.”

“I thought the Philipses and Natoris were still recuperating from the last attack.”

“They were.” Carter exhales and plays with the hair on the nape of my neck. “But they’ve had a little help from other allies, and now they’re back like the fucking cockroaches they are.”

“What about Donahue? Can’t he help?”

Carter shifts and presses a kiss to the back of my neck. “The Blackthorns need to do this on their own.”

“What about Frances? Didn’t you mention that you have some kind of deal?”

“So far, we’ve held up our end of the bargain, but Lilian has proven to be a lot more resourceful than I gave her credit for.”

I wriggle away from Carter and move to the other end of the tub so I can face him. He is watching me intently as if I have all the answers in the world. “What can I do to help?”
