Page 55 of Vicious

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“I need to know who Marley Anders is.”



“We’re fucked.”

Chapter 20


I sat at the table in our meeting room, taking in the face of every single member who was sitting around the table or standing in the corner.

Could any of these guys seriously want me dead?

My mouth felt dry as I tried to push the thought away, still not having figured out what to do with the information that Hannah had given me. I knew that she was being honest, obviously, but without her knowingwhowas saying everything, it left me to wonder who was safe to talk to...

Other than Gunner.

I also was fairly certain that Axle, Bear, and Will were probably safe bets. They had been around me a long time. I couldn’t see any of the officers being the ones, either.

But I really couldn’t be sure about any of it.

My gut felt sick as Tippy made it through the normal itinerary shit, and my mind just kept working through the details of what Hannah had said. I knew in the end I was going to have to call Vinny. I needed outside help. Visiting my dad and brother’s graves had brought me that much clarity—and it wasn’t much.

“So, I think before we wrap this up and get to the party waiting for us on the other side of the door, we should vote on the prospect.”

“About time,” Will threw out, laughing. “I thought the poor guy wasnevergoing to get the chance to be patched in.”

“Nah, I knew he would.” Bear grabbed up his beer, downing the rest of it, and setting the empty bottle on the wooden table.

Bear couldn’t be with the hit. He’s like my dad.

“What do you think about voting tonight, then? Let’s just get this done?” Tippy said, nudging me under the table with his knee. “You’ve been awfully quiet tonight, Viper. Everything good? Or you just hung up on your new official old lady?”

The room burst into laughter, and I forced a smile. “Something like that.”

“A good fuck is always hard to forget,” Tip cracked, before leaning back in the leather chair. “All right, so who’s for patching Gunner in?”

Everyone raised their hand, me included. I knew there wouldn’t be anyone who disagreed. Gunner was a solid guy, and he had put the work in.

“Will, go grab him.” Tippy instructed, motioning to the door. “He doesn’t have to be stuck out with the ladies anymore.”

“Got it, boss.” Will stood up from his chair and headed to the door, eyeing me as he did. My stomach knotted up.

Was Will a part of it?

I gritted my teeth, knowing that it was going to drive meinsane.If I didn’t die at the hand of one of them, there was a high chance that I would just be committed to an asylum.

Hopefully, they allowed conjugal visits for Hannah.

My dick twinged at the thought, and I already knew Ihadto get my hands on her tonight. I had been avoiding her, trying to sort through all the information she had given me. I needed to have something to tell her, since we were apparently some sort of fucked up team now...

But I didn’t have shit.

“Here he is.” Will’s voice caught my attention and I looked up to see Gunner heading in, looking nervous as ever.

“Well, it’s been great having you here, but the decision has been made,” Tip bellowed. “Welcome to the club,brother.”
