Page 11 of Ruthless

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Does it even open?

I ran my fingers along the window, searching for a latch… But there wasn’t one. I grimaced, knowing I would have to break it to get out—and that was noisy.

But the basement is mostly soundproof.

It was easy to tell. A shoddy job of it had been done, but it would still maybe mute the noise. I couldn’t hear anyone in the bathroom… It was worth a shot. Carefully, I removed my blouse, not wanting to wander back out into the room and take anything. If they had cameras, they might have missed me taking the chair, but I didn’t want to test my luck twice. Balling my shirt around my hand, I braced, clenching my teeth.

And then I fucking punched the glass as I hard as I could.

It shattered with just two blows, the sound surprisingly quiet. I hesitated, halfway expecting footsteps to come flooding into the basement, but nothing happened. I ignored the blood seeping through my shirt as I swiped the rest of glass from the frame…

And then I hoisted myself up.

I wriggled out of the space, the glass cutting into my black camisole and into my skin. I bit back the pained cry, relief mixed with dread as I landed in soft grass. The easiest part was over, and as I took in the thick woods surrounding the modest cabin, the biggest challenge was still ahead.

My ears tuned into my surroundings, but all was quiet around me. Under normal circumstances, that would’ve been comforting, knowing that there weren’t any shouts. However, knowing the way Ghost Eyes crept around, it didn’t mean shit.

The thought got my body buzzing with adrenaline, and I shot forward, heading straight for the woods. It might’ve been easier to go to the road, but that made it easier to be found. I took in the yard around me, the meadow behind the back porch neatly mowed right up to the first thicket. It was honestly beautiful, and the cabin was nicely maintained. The bastards might be criminals, but they took good care of their property.

My bare feet stung as I crashed into the thicket, and I clenched my teeth as I continued forward, ignoring the thorns, sticks, and stones tearing at me. It was a blind run, but once I got some distance from the house, I could stop and get my bearings. I had no clue where I was, and I’d have to keep moving in a straight line to get away.

“Really, princess,” a voice called from behind me, sending a chill down my spine. “Do you seriously think I don’t have cameras?”

I nearly choked on the oxygen my lungs so desperately needed. I glanced over my shoulder as I continued forward, but I couldn’t see him…

And that was enough to push me forward.

“Damn, you’re going to make this hard,” he shouted, the sound of footsteps crunching into the ground behind me making him more real.

I don’t stand a chance.

But I gulped in the oxygen and pushed myself as hard as I could, my heart pounding hard enough that I wouldn’t have been surprised if it had just gone out.

Dropping dead might be better than Ghost Eyes catching me.

An iron grip came down on my arm, and I let out a cry of terror—and defeat—as I tumbled to the ground. His heavy breath was in my ear as I was pinned to the forest floor, his knees on either side of my waist.

I squirmed beneath him, mud streaking across my face as I fought a battle I knew I couldn’t win. “Let me go,” I pleaded, desperation breaking through my façade of grit.

He lifted his knees and flipped me over onto my back, his gray eyes boring into mine. I gasped at the sight, stilling. There was no mask hiding his face this time, and while I was pretty sure that meant I was going to die, it also revealed the man who wielded the eyes that set me on fire. My chest heaved and I tried to get ahold of myself, hating the way my body betrayed me beneath him.

“What’s wrong, princess?” He taunted me from above. “Does my face scare you?”

I bit my lip, taking in the chiseled square jaw, the small dimple in his chin, and his strong nose. His hair was black as coal, and the stubble on his chin illuminated his masculinity. He was a fuckinggodof a man.

“No,” I breathed out, testing the waters of the lust growing in his eyes. If I was going to die at the hands of this guy, there was no point in lying anymore. “You don’t scare me.” My tone was hot and sultry, and I clenched my thighs beneath him.

The words tipped his lips up into a smile. “You think that’ll entice me to let you go? Surely, you don’t think I’m that stupid.”

I shook my head, trying to breathe steady enough to bring my heart rate down as he leaned into my face. “I don’t think you’re stupid enough to let me go,” I forced out. “But maybe stupid enough to kill me.”

He chuckled, leaning into my face so that he was all I could see. “Would that make me stupid?”

Fire burned between my thighs as his nose brushed mine. If he was trying to scare me, it wasn’t working. Moisture pooled in my underwear as my eyes searched his, finding nothing threatening at all in them. He might kill me at some point, but that wasn’t what was on his mind—thischemistry was.

“What’re you—”

I cut off his voice with my mouth, crushing it to his before I thought twice. Was it a stupid move? Absolutely. But the groan escaping from his throat reminded me that I had always been the kind of girl to blur the lines. He devoured every inch of my mouth with his tongue, tasting of menthol and whiskey.
