Page 19 of Ruthless

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Also, it was very difficult to make myself an asset when Ghost Eyes never hung around long enough to do anything other than make sure the wounds were healing the way they should and drop off food. It was annoying, and my mind was running constantly.

Was Chaz going to do anything?

Was Victor going to come after me?

What was Lucas doing? And what was he doing that he shouldn’t?

Ugh.I paced the floor of the basement in a pair of gray sweats and a white t-shirt, my arms wrapped around myself. It was strikingly cold in the basement today, and I wasn’t sure if Ghost Eyes had messed with the thermostat, or if there was a real ghost living there with me.

Preferably the first option.

I glanced around, wishing that I knew what time it was as my stomach growled. It felt like I’d been awake forever, and not having a clock was wearing on me. I never knew if I had overslept or under slept. Regardless, my mind was my best friend and worst enemy, fantasizing about fucking my kidnapper while trying to come up with new escape routes to get away from him.

The sound of the door opening was enough to stop me in my tracks, and I backed away from the entrance. He hadn’t been anything but cold and distance, but there was always a chance his buddies could be coming.

And I wasn’t in the mood to make any phone calls.

Thankfully, I was met with those gray eyes, though today, they seemed to be a little extra stormy. He held a plate with a sandwich out.

“Here, princess.” His tone was flat.

I took the plate from him, sinking back in the direction of the bed. I had stopped talking to him, and internally, I debated on whether that was the right thing to do. Staying silent wouldn’t help me gain any ground—unless gaining ground meant becoming invisible—and then in that case, I would be gaining ground…

But I had no idea what my best strategy was.

I had no idea how to be an asset to a man that wouldn’t stay longer than he had to.

“What’s wrong with you today?” I blurted out just as his boot landed on the bottom step. It was time to take a risk.

His jaw clenched, like me asking had annoyed him. “That’s a weird question.”

Okay, well at least he’s responding in some sort of way.

“Yeah,” I admitted. “But you seem off today.”

“You my therapist now?” he chuckled, turning to look at me. I was glad he didn’t wear the mask anymore, giving me an actual human being to look at. Granted, he was like one big walking sex dream, but still. Better than looking like a burglar.

“I just think you seem less happy today than usual.” I kept my tone calm and even, like nothing about talking to him bothered me in the slightest—like every time he lifted my shirt to check on my wounds, my pussy didn’t pulse with need.

I’ll make you mine.

His words echoed in my head, but I pushed them out.

“I don’t think I ever seem any sort of way,” he laughed sardonically, sending a chill down my spine. He turned back to face me, and I took that as a win, even if he was only conversing because I was humoring him.

“I think something changed after you brought me back here,” I said, gaining a little confidence as he took a step in my direction. The woman said it was clear to her he had a soft spot for me—and that he wouldn’t kill me, right? I couldn’t remember if she actually said the last part, but I was just gonna have to bank on that.

“And what do you think changed?”

“You were going to fuck me out there in the woods.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Yeah? Maybe I was just messing with that pretty little head of yours. Didn’t take much to get you in that spot, did it?”

I swallowed hard, feeling my cheeks flush. “I’ve never been easy.”

“That’s not what you showed me,” he chuckled. “If I remember correctly, you were the one who kissed me, princess, not the other way around.” Ghost Eyes was coming closer, closing the space between us faster than I was ready for. I stumbled backward, bumping into the side of the bed.

And he laughed, his eyes alighting with something other than indifference.
