Page 32 of Ruthless

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She knows who was on the other end of the phone with her brother.

That didn’t give me much of an answer, considering she had grown up in the drug world. It could’ve been anyone she had known over the years…orher partner.

And that was the one that made me the most nervous.

“Okay, so we’re going to keep this simple,” Viper said with a weary sigh as he glanced between us. We were keeping most of our members at bay this go round, only involving who we needed to—Gunner, Will, Viper, and well, of course,me.“Will, you’ll ride with me to the bus station. I think Gunner should stay here with Axle… Just in case he’s right about them knowing where she’s at.”

“That’s fine with me,” Gunner said, plopping down in the chair. “You two need to be careful though. It could be a trap.”

“I don’t think it is,” Viper said, shrugging.

“Me neither,” I admitted, though what was going to happen onthisend…I wasn’t sure. Something about the entire thing had me feeling uneasy—and that name…

That’s my fucking name…

And none of these guys knew it.

“All right, well, we’ll leave you ladies to it,” Will chuckled, heading for the door. “Don’t do anything stupid.”

“No intentions to,” Gunner grunted in reply.

They said their goodbyes and slipped out, shutting the door behind them as they left. Gunner and I sat in silence until the roar of their bikes had faded into the evening air. My eyes flickered to the screen for the cameras, and there was Rachel, pacing. She was nervous, and wouldn’t tell me why…

And it had pissed me the fuck off—but she made a good point.

If I gave into my urges when it came to her, I could lose my patch. I could lose the life I had worked hard to build with my brothers. There was a lot at stake…

But she had a lot at stake too.

She’d given me the chance to have her in every way that I wanted, and I had turned her away for good. Granted, I wasn’t sure that I would abide by that…if I could ever get her out of this situation. But once she was out, she might not want anything to do with me anyway.


“What did you stay down there and talk to her about?” Gunner mused, reaching out for his beer sitting on the edge of the table. “That had Viper damn near burning a hole in the floor up here with his pacing.”

I shrugged. “I was trying to get her to tell me who the other voices were on the phone.”

“Other voices?”

“The guys in the background. I think she recognized them based on the look on her face. I could just tell that something shifted when she heard them.”

“Could’ve just been Chaz’s little minions or something?”

“I don’t think so… She seemed really fucking put off by hearing them.”

Gunner seemed to mull over the thought for a few moments, sipping on his beer. “What if it was her partner?”

“That’s kind of what I was thinking… I just don’t know what he would do—but there’s also something else…,” My voice trailed off as my stomach churned, making me wish that I didn’t have the past I did.

He narrowed his eyes as I shifted in my seat. “What else?”

“You know how all you guys grew up together? Well, mostly, anyway… And I just kind of floated in here a few years ago?”

“Yeah… Your rap sheet is squeaky clean, but you kill people like it’s nothing to you. We’ve always assumed that you worked for the mob bosses in NYC, right? That’s what you said you did, doing the dirty jobs—always thought it was surprising that you never moved up in that world.”

I took a deep breath. “Yeah, that’s not true.”

Gunner’s straight look grew dark. “And so, you lied to the club? That’s grounds for fucking death, Axle.”
