Page 4 of Ruthless

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Standing with my feet shoulder width apart and my arms crossed, I breathed out a sharp exhale as I stood in front of Rachel. She was bound to a chair in my basement, which was soundproof and basically escape proof. It was hard to know, considering I had never kept anyone in my basement before.

It was only soundproof because the previous owner had made it that way, and based on the other things that had been in the basement when I bought the place, I knew why.

A light groan slipped through Rachel’s lips, bringing my thoughts back to the cute little woman sitting in front of me. Viper wanted me to find out just how much she knew about Chaz, so watching the kidnapped woman had now shifted to an interrogation as well. And with this woman, it was bound to be fun.

“Good morning, princess,” I said, a smile on my face as I tugged the mask down, hiding everything but my eyes. “How nice of you to finally wake up.”

She startled, her mouth turning downward and her eyes widening as she peered up at me. “So,youare the one who’s going to be doing this.” The grimace was almost laughable, but I found myself a little offended. Who would she have preferred?

“Listen,” I began, pushing away the substantial amount of unwanted jealousy. “As much as I loved chasing you in the woods, I’d prefer that you just answer the questions I have for you—and then you can just hang out here in peace.”

Her head whipped around, her brows furrowing as she looked at the massive basement. I had taken the time to put a queen-sized bed in the room, and there was a bathroom as well. Honestly, it was more like a hotel room than the torture chamber it had once been.

“Why did you take me?” Rachel’s voice is sheepish, and I’m surprised by the lack of confidence coming from her. I figured she’d be feisty, but maybe the sedative just hadn’t worn off yet.

“I think we already established that your brother got you into this,” I grunted, my tone sharp. I had no desire to play nice with her, but Iwouldgive her a chance to tell me the truth. It wasn’t fair to just get right to the torture.

I was more of a mind game kind of guy, anyway.

“Iknowthat he got me into this,” she spat at me, her voice picking up and her eyes clearing. “He’s a fucking idiot.”

Oof. It was just the sedative.

“That is one thing we can agree on,” I said, running my tongue along my bottom lip. Her white V-neck blouse had shifted in the process of moving her, and I fought not to stare at the eyeful of cleavage she was giving me. I hadneverfound sexual satisfaction with the women I kidnapped for the club over the years, and this woman being a bombshell felt like a fucking crime in and of itself.

“Okay, so just tell me what he did, and I’ll try to figure something out. I haven’t talked to him in years, but—”

“No,” I cut her off, my voice growing sharp. “We found the burner phone, Rachel. Don’t play games with me. It’ll just get you hurt.”

Her golden-brown eyes flashed with emotion, but then quickly faded to nothingness. “I have the burner phone in case I need to reach out, but that’s it. Look,” she let out a sigh, like I was wasting her time. “Whatever the fuck you think I did or do with Chaz isn’t true. I don’t want any part in my brother’s life.”

My lips curled into a smile—she was a talkative thing. “As much as Iwantto believe those cute little antics you’re playing up, I don’t believe you. Your partner was doing an awful lot of research into a man that you claim to havenothingto do with.”

Her face contorted with annoyance as she met my gaze, her eyes on fire. “He does whatever the hell he wants, and I have to give it to him, he must’ve known this was coming. I should’ve listened to him. Guess the jokes on me,” she added the last bit with a laugh that threw me for a curve.

Damn, sheisgonna be fun.

“You should be scared right now,” I challenged, narrowing my eyes as I leaned closer to her face, so close that my nose nearly brushed hers. Her entire body trembled, and I smiled. “That’s what I thought.”

“Don’t mistake my excitement for fear,” she seethed back, glaring with stormy eyes. “You don’t scare me.”

My crotch tightened and I backed away from her. Whatever the fuck this woman had going on, it was taboo, leaving my mouth like I had just swallowed cotton. I gave her my back, putting my mind back together.

“Did something I say bother you?” Rachel taunted, laughing. “You know this isn’t the first mess I’ve ever gotten myself into.”

Who the fuck is this girl?

I shook my head. “Sad that your shitty brother gets you into messes all the time.”

“Oh, it wasn’t my brother,” she said with a shrug. “And if you think you’re going to get something out of him by taking me, you’re going to be sorely disappointed.”

“And why is that?” I asked, pulling my gun out of my holster.

She eyed it as I twirled it around my finger but gave me nothing in response. “You might want to be careful with that. I’ve seen a man shoot himself trying to play it cool.”

I bit the inside of my cheek, half tempted to take a shot over her head. But even then, I wasn’t sure that it would phase her. Most of the time women were bawling their eyes out and pleading for mercy.

This woman was seriously mocking me like I was the one in the chair—and it was infuriating.
