Page 44 of Ruthless

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“All right, so now we know why you’re so damn cold blooded,” Will said, his face still full of shock after I finished. “And when are we going to tell everyone else?”

“We’re not,” Viper said swiftly. “We need to keep this as secretive as possible—for the sake ofhissafety. Someone already knows, and it looks like they’re tailing him.”

Or something.

“I don’t know the standing of my family,” I said, my voice careful. “I’d have to reach out to my contact to figure it out, and I don’t even know how to get ahold of him anymore.” I thought back to Jeremy Holt, my old high school friend turned FBI agent… He was the one who helped me disappear… And I had no idea where the fuck he was anymore. I had to get lost—andstaylost.

But obviously, after the name calling and Vegas plates…

I had been found, and I had no idea what that meant for me.

Chapter 19


He’s the bastard son of a mob boss. And who are the others?

I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling and going over it all in my head. I knew I was developing feelings for him, and those had only grown since the shower incident…

But now I was a little more terrified of him.

I had done plenty of investigation into the mob related incidents over the years, and I knew the power they had. I knew the cold-blooded killers that made up their ranks too. If Trevor, which felt weird to call him, had been near the top, who knew how many bodies it had taken to get there.

“Good evening,” the leader’s voice filled the basement and the lights flickered on, blinding me.

What the hell?

I grabbed the covers to shield my eyes, trying to adjust to the florescent lights filling the basement. I heard their footsteps and part of me filled with fear, wondering if somehow, this was the end to everything. I knew death could come at any point.

“Fuckers,” Tyson raged at them, and I heard him spit in their direction.

I nearly rolled my eyes, his reaction over the top. I slowly moved the covers back, letting my eyes adjust. Four men were surrounding Tyson—and none of them had on masks. My heart sank. No mask means they don’t plan for Tyson to come out alive.

“You’re all so fucked,” Tyson laughed, shaking his head at them. “You think that keeping me here is going to get you your money faster, Viper?” He addressed the leader, whichfinallygave me a name.

“No one gives a shit about you,” Viper laughed, tipping his head back. “We’re not offering ransom for you. You’re the one that got yourself into this mess.”

I sat up in the bed, keeping my eyes on the men. Three of them weren’t looking in my direction at all, but one pair of gray eyes met mine, sending a shiver down my spine. I looked away from him immediately, my eyes dropping to my hands.

“So, what’re you gonna do, kill me?” Tyson kept pushing them, and I sat there, watching with bated breath as I wondered if they wouldactuallykill him in front of me.

“Probably,” Ghost Eyes said with a shrug. “You’re an inconvenience.”

“Am I?” Tyson laughed. “Is that because you’ve got your eye on Rachel? Because you should probably know that I’ve already been inside that tight, wet—” He cut him off with a strike right to his nose, and Tyson wailed out in pain as it had already been broken during the initial altercation. “You fucking mobster piece of shit!”

Ghost Eyes ignored him. “I don’t give a shit what pussy you’ve had. You won’t be getting any more of it.”

“Yeah, right,” Tyson chuckled, even as the blood dripped onto his shirt. “The moment I’m not tied to this chair, I’ll fuck her while you all watch on camera.”

What the hell is wrong with him?

The comment earned him another strike to nose, and he let out another wail. As much as I hated seeing anyone be tortured, I couldn’t understand why Tyson was being so…dumb.

Then again, the darkness in Tyson eyes reminded me of the reason I had ended things—and avoided ever using his services again. His irrationality led him to be pushy and borderline psycho sometimes, and I kept my distance after we broke up for that very reason. It never surfaced until about six months into the relationship, and I had bailed the moment I found out…

Which is why, no matter how much I felt about—or was turned on by—Ghost Eyes, I couldn’t let myself pursue anything beyond this situation… I’d only get under his skin to get out…

And then I’d have to cut it off to protect myself and my heart.
