Page 68 of Ruthless

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Anger coursed through my veins, and the noise that I let loose was nothing short of excruciating. “What the fuck! Where is Chaz?”

“I don’t know,” Lucas—Nate—said. He pulled out his phone, did something, and then put it to his ear. “Something is wrong, man. Something is so fucking wrong.”

“No kidding,” I growled as he dropped the phone. “And you can tell me right now why you let this happen to her. You in with him?” I demanded, taking a step toward the man who claimed to be my young half-brother.

“What the fuck are you doing?” he warned, not taking a step back from me. “Why the hell would I go througheverythingjust to let that creep get her?”

“Because you wanted to bring me here and dothis.” I grabbed for his shirt collar, catching him off guard. Slamming him against the wall, I leaned into his face. “You better tell me what the fuck you know about what happened, or I will kill you right here. I don’t give a shit who you claim to be.”

His eyes widened and hands went up. “Trevor, I’m not lying to you. I didn’t have her bring you here because of this. I hate Victor Sanchez just as much as you do. Why the fuck do you think I installed all these cameras?”

I released him, though my suspicions were still not completely gone. “Okay, okay. I’m going to try and make some calls and get some eyes on him. We need to get ahead of this… Before…you know.” I couldn’t even get the words out. I didn’t want my mind to go there, to think about what the fuck he might do to her.

“I’ll check and see if there’s anything on the cameras…” Lucas inched away from me, heading toward a room right off the main living area. I couldn’t even process the house, because my eyes just kept fucking landing on the writing on the wall.

I worked through my list of contacts, contacting anyone who might be in the underworld in that area of California. Most didn’t know, and the ones who probably did—didn’t answer.

“The cameras are wiped completely clean,” Lucas appeared from the room, his gaze focused on the wall behind me, which I had turned my back to. “And I don’t really know what the answer is… Call the cops?”

I shook my head. “They’ll never find him as fast as we can. I have one more contact that might be able to tell us something.”

“Okay, well, call them,” Lucas said, plopping down on the couch, his head falling into his hands. “I don’t know.”

I pulled up the contact, a guy who went by the name of Ice. He wasn’t a good guy and was not the kind of guy you called unless it was an emergency. I put the phone to my ear and waited, hoping that he’d answer.

“Funny hearing you call,” he answered, his voice just as grating as ever. “If you’re trying to get ahold of the drug king that you usually do business with, he’s a lost cause.”

I swallowed hard. “Chaz is a lost cause?”




“Where’s his pet, Victor?”

“Don’t know. But I have a good feeling his pet finally bit back. Probably tired of being on a goddamn leash.”

“Where is he?”

“Don’t know, Axle. If I did know, I would happily give up the weirdo’s location. No one wants him on the loose. No one wants him alive.”

“You know where his place is?”

“Nope. I don’t know anything about him. I only know what I see, and I don’t like what I see. You’re on your own for this one. Good luck.”

The phone went dead in my ear, and even though he couldn’t give a location, he did give a piece of missing information.

“Chaz is dead,” I said, shoving the phone back into my pocket.

Lucas only shook his head. “I had a feeling that Victor was going to burst at some point, and I knew that him laying eyes on her wasn’t going to be good. I tried everything I could to convince her brother to leave him the fuck at home… But he thought he had a solid bluff in on the guy… And he obviously didn’t.”

“No shit,” I grumbled, rocking from foot to foot. “We have to figure something out, andfast.”

Lucas let out a heavy sigh. “I think… I think I know someone who has connections inallthe places—eyes everywhere.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Andwhowould that be? Whoever helped you find me?”
