Page 71 of Ruthless

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And he looked a hell of a lot like Trevor and Lucas… But much older.

“Hello, Rachel,” he greeted me, an unnerving smile on his face. “You have caused quite the chaos.”

I nodded, swallowing the new dose of fear coursing through my veins. “I’m sorry.”

He chuckled, his tone relaxed. “No need for apologies, I’ve dealt with much, much worse. I’m Gifford Vitali,” he extended his hand. “Trevor and Nate are my sons.”

And you had their mothers killed. Great.

“Nice to meet you,” I took his hand, shaking it.

“Victor is good at flying beneath the radar,” he continued, leaning back in the seat. “But I have eyes everywhere, and that’s why we were able to find you tonight. My son borrowed a lot of money to free you, and I would hate for that to go to waste. You have earned a spot in both of my sons’ lives.”

I nodded, not sure where he was going with it.

“I think Nate was under the impression that I was going to have Trevor murdered, but that’s not the truth. I loved him very much, and I understood the lengths that Nate went to with the intention of keeping Trevor safe. He killed his brother, and I don’t approve of that… But I respect it. I respect them.”

So… He’s not going to kill the only men I have left in my life.

“Victor Sanchez is an animal.”

I turned to Gifford, seeing a tinge of concern in his eyes. “He is, but they’re deadly too.”

“Yes, yes they are,” he chuckled. “You are a smart woman for the allies you make, though I believe that Trevor is more than just an ally to you. He has never offered to lay down his life for a woman.”

I furrowed my brows in confusion. “What?”

“He came to me willingly, knowing that I might kill him—and he did it to pay the debt off…for you. And then to ask me to help him save you.”

“I’m grateful.”

“I’m sure you are.”

My eyes went to the window, apprehension building in my chest as I waited for Trevor and Lucas—or Nate—to appear again. I had heard the shot and the wail, and my gut had told me that it was Victor who was on the receiving end.

But I couldn’t be sure.

And the more time that ticked by, the more I started to wonder what was happening in that house. My foot tapped against the floorboard of the SUV, and I peered back at the rearview mirror in the front, not recognizing the man who was driving.

Can’t he go and help them?

“That is Frank,” Gifford said as though he was reading my mind. “And he is here solely to drive. He’s a great driver but would be nothing but a thorn in the side of Lucas and Trevor.”

“What is taking them so long?” I muttered, wrapping my arms around myself.

“I can think of a few reasons why they’d take a little longer,” he grunted in response. “But I have a good feeling that they are just making sure that Victor gets what he deserves. Did he touch you?”

I turned back to Gifford, seeing the anger in his eyes. “No, not like that.”

“Good. That is a relief.” He made it sound as though it was a nonchalant conversation, but I was sure he had dealt with more than I wanted to imagine. “They’ll come out. It was two against one, and they had the upper hand, anyway. He thought that he could buy a mansion under an assumed name and not be found. But as it turns out, you’re not the only woman who has been brought to this place.”

The thought of other women going through what I had merely gotten a dose of made me sick. I wouldn’t wish that kind of torture on anyone. Victor was cruel, and I was sure he had come straight from hell.

“There are bodies in the backyard,” Gifford continued. “The police have been notified. They will leave him for the police… But he will be unable to ever rob a woman of anything, ever again.”

I didn’t press him to know what that consisted of, but relieved that the cops would be getting involved to bring other families justice for what may have happened to their loved ones. I leaned back in the seat, wishing that the time would fly by a little faster…

But it didn’t.
