Page 73 of Ruthless

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Nate rolled his eyes. “Well, you’re at the same level as me, so I don’t really give a shit. You just prefer to spend your time in California slumming it with your biker boys.”

“Yep,” I said with a shrug, laughing as I made my way back to the table. “That’s where Rachel likes it the most too. I don’t like the chaos of the city.”

“Yeah, I don’t really either,” Nate nodded, taking a long sip of his beer and following me, taking a seat. “But my wife happens to like it here.”

“Most women in this world do prefer the city, and that’s fine,” I commented, staring down at the steak on my plate. I had no idea what was taking Rachel so long, but it was starting to stress me out. She was quick at getting ready. “I’ll be right back,” I said quickly, setting my drink down and slipping out of the kitchen.

I made my way down the hallway, not stopping until I was inside our bedroom. I glanced over the bed, which had a picture of the two of us at our wedding. We’d gotten married three months after that whole charade with Victor. Some thought it was too fast, but I didn’t think it was fast enough.

Rachel was mine, and I wanted the whole fucking world to know that.

“Babe?” I called for her, seeing the light under the door of the master bathroom. “Are you okay?” Hearing sniffles on the other side, my heart jumped in my chest.

What the hell?

It had been about a year since Chaz had passed, and I know that had been hard for her—was that what was going on?

“Can I come in?” I asked, knocking on the door. “Please?”

“Yes,” she sniffled, her voice trembling.

I pushed open the door to find her leaning over the sink, dabbing the tears under her eyes with a tissue. “What’s wrong, Rachel?” I rushed to her, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Everything was fine when we set the table…”

She shook her head at me, a smile breaking through the light sobs. “I have something I need to tell you…” Rachel pushed off the edge of the sink, before reaching around me to pick something up. “It’s a big something.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Like how big? You taking drugs or something?”

She burst into laughter, shaking her head. “No, I have no desire to do drugs, Trevor.”

“Okay, so then what is it? You murder someone? Do I need to cover it up? You know I’ll do anything for you,” I shot her a wink, hoping to keep the smile on her face.

It worked, but she shook her head. “It’s way bigger than that.”

“Okay, that’s concerning.” I swallowed hard, my eyes dropping to her hand. “What is that?”

She handed it over to me, pulling her bottom lip into her mouth as she did so. “Just look at it.” Rachel held it out, and I took it from her, my heart jumping to my throat.

Holy shit…

“This is a pregnancy test,” I muttered, taking in the words on the white and blue stick test. I squinted down at the test results, seeing the wordpregnanton the little screen. “Oh my god…”

“Are you upset?” she asked, her voice trembling. “I know that we said we were going to wait until the house was built in Cali, but…”

“This is fucking amazing,” I looked back up to her, seeing the tears in her eyes. “This is the best news I’ve gotten in a year.” My chest swelled with so many emotions—all of them being positive. Well, it was terrifying to think about a child and being a father… and would I be a good one?

But fuck, the rest of everything wasincredible.

“I love you so much,” Rachel sniffled, falling into my chest as I wrapped her up in my arms. “I never thought that this would be where we are today, but I wouldn’t change anything for it.”

“And I think your brother would be so happy for you,” I choked out the words, knowing that it had crossed her mind. “He was an idiot sometimes—like ahugeidiot—but he loved you, and he did what he thought was best when it came to protecting you.”

She nodded, giving me a smile. “Yeah, I know. I wish that he was still here, but I’m happy for the family that I have now. Nate was always kind of like family, but now he reallyismy family. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Yeah, I guess things worked out for the best. I don’t have to hide my identity anymore either. We are who we are, and the road isn’t easy—and it never has been—but it’ll be good.”

“As long as I have you, it’ll be good,” Rachel murmured, standing on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on my jaw. “You and your ghost eyes.”

“Right back at ya, princess,” I winked at her, before taking her lips in a full kiss. My tongue pressed through her slightly parted lips, exploring her mouth for a few long moments. However, she pulled away then.

“We have a guest here, remember?” Rachel laughed, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the door. “We can make up for this later.”

“You better believe that we will,” I said from behind her. “But now, let’s go tell Nate he’s gonna be an uncle.”

