Page 10 of Defying Boundaries

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Things were going well until boundaries get crossed and the girls go off script.

I nearly choke on my spit when I hear my daughter state through the hidden mic buried into her bra,“But we are here because of your brothers, just not in the way you’re presuming.” What are you doing, Charlee girl?

“What the fuck is she doing?” Country growls, seconding the same question that just went through my head.

“What needs to be done,” Master calmly states with a steady hum.

“This is not what we discussed,” Luca sputters, pulling out a cigar.

“Not in such a confined space, Luca. We’ll be smoked out,” I admonish.

“I could use a smoke too,” Tyson murmurs.

“Step out,” I demand. “I need a clear working space.”

“Just keep the door open so you can still hear what’s going on. We’re hidden here. Nobody will see us,” Master adds, soothing feathers before they get ruffled. We’re near the convent but hidden in a back field that was abandoned long ago by its owner.

The perfect concealment spot as far as hideouts go.

“I thought you quit,” I say to Tyson, raising my brow in his direction.

“I have. I did. But this shit is stressing me the fuck out,” he answers, waving his hand toward our audio equipment’s sound system with a leer on his face. Note to self, don’t leave him alone with the shit. He’s liable to go apeshit and destroy it in a fit of rage.

He and Luca step out but lean toward the car as they light up so that they can stay in tune with the conversation.

He’s not taking his woman being behind those lime and brick walls, and out of his eyesight, well. Not that I blame him. If that were Ma, I’d have already ripped the place apart, stone-by-stone to get to her.

“Listen,” Country snaps, drawing our attention back to the conversation taking place.

Gotta give credit to my son-in-law. He’s grown some balls throughout the years and has taken his place within the folds of club life as if he were born to help Gunner and Kruger lead it.

“Your brothers are sociopaths,”Charlee informs the girl.

A snort comes through the open airwaves, before a sweet, melodic voice says,“Tell me something I didn’t know.”

“Your brothers have tried to kill my family,”Hemmi simply states as if she’s stating the sky is blue.

“Tried? They have. Curley, Ma—”Charlee chokes on that. Her Ma’s death cut her deep.“They were tied to a group of narcissistic assholes who murdered my ma. It was on their orders that things went to hell and an innocent woman got caught in the crosshairs and lost her life because she put herself on the line to save other innocents.”

“I’m so sorry for your loss,”our ace says. What catches my attention is the sorrow that thickens her voice. Mourning a woman that she never met, it seems as if this woman feels things passionately.

“I lost my mother at a young age because of the evil acts of my family. I don’t remember her, which is both a blessing and a curse. I can’t imagine how you must feel. I’m just happy for you that you knew the love of a mother, even if she was taken from you in an act of violence and before her time.”

“She was the best mother a girl could ask for. I’m just sorry you didn’t get to experience that love and devotion for yourself,”Charlee states, reminiscing. The weepy emotions clogging her speech make my heart beat rapidly in my chest.

Losing our matriarch, the love of my life, still affects us profoundly. She’ll forever be missed. The void of not having her with me can never be filled. I’m taking it one day at a time until she and I can be reunited. Whereas I can’t wait for that day to come, I know that my children will be left parentless, and that’s what keeps me kicking life in the ass. I will not abandon them unless I have no other choice.

Interrupting the two girls who are connecting and consoling each other over the loss of their mothers, Hemmi clears her throat and says, “I’m sorry to interrupt, and I know this loss hurts you both as it should, but we need to stay on topic.”

“That’s my girl,” Tyson hoots, a proud smile crossing his face.

“And what’s that?”I hear Tammera ask.

“That we need your help,”Hemmi remarks. “Your brothers are the catapults for us going underground and faking our deaths. Our family is living underground… literally. Our children haven’t seen sunlight in an astronomical amount of time. No social interactions, no activities outside of the park built below the streets. They’re suffering, and we need to get them back to the land of the living. Kids shouldn’t have to survive. They’re confused, angsty, and missing their friends and extra-curricular activities. Can you help us, Shayne?”

“How can I help, Hemmi? I’ve been sheltered here my entire life. I have no knowledge of the ins-and-outs of my family’s businesses.”

“Maybe not,”Charlee interjects. “But by having you come up missing, it’ll send them scrambling, which means they’ll make a mistake. That’s the opening we need to return to our lives.”
